I'd like to meet:
More people so I can use this to get my comedy career crackin'. So recommend me to your friends. I want tens of thousands of followers like View Askew Productions and Immortal Technique. Viva la Revolucion, because I'm not supposed to be here today.
Movies are nice. Donnie Brasco is the best movie ever made. There are others. But I think it's important to get that out there. And it's not because of Fuggedaboudit and Paul Giamatti before he was famous. It's about Friends of Ours and Friends of Mine, and Men of Men, Cadillacs and Lincolns, with the velour, and never paying for a drink.
Yes, I love TV. ON Demand has changed my life. If you don't like "The Wire," your probably a bad person. Studio 60 is awesome. Any Federal Agent show, I probably watch it.
fuck yeah. Bed Bath & Beyond, Sportsmanship, Democrats, Republicans.
In comedy, Jim Norton, Dave Chapelle, Sara Silverman, Lewis Black, DL Hughley, and the indelible Mr. "In Search of Goodpussy..." David Cross!But heroes in real life, some people you've never met. But as a nod to Kevin Spacey, when ever I see something that is just awesome, and says volumes about a persons character, I bring it straight out of American Beauty, "I think you just became my personal hero."