DJ NUTSAKO profile picture



About Me

DJ Nutsako was born on a calm summer night in late July. Upon Nutsako's arrival Wisdom came down from the Northern sky and performed the NAMING ceremony. The ceremony lasted four days. On the fourth day Wisdom returned home after presenting Nutsako with the name Ke' yah [keeper of the land]. As Wisdom returned to the sky he further blessed Nutsako with the courage to spread loving thoughts and words across the world.
After witnessing the ceremony, Harmony felt it was her job to aide in Nutsako's spiritual and emotional growth. In which seemed like seconds Harmony rushed down from the Southern star patterns and blessed Nutsako's heart and soul. These blessings made Nutsako's heart strong and gave him the strength to forgive ALL those who would attack him and the Creator.
During this time the world was in chaos. A war between good and evil was being fought each second of everyday within the media. The world was in danger. Hate and evil was winning the war. The music of the world was beginning to change and the people of Earth began to ignore and deny all the previous agreements made with the Creator. The music that was once performed to honor the Creator and all his creations was now beginning to reflect the evil of the world. Forgotten were the songs that blessed humanity. Forgotten were the sacred songs that blessed all life.
In this dark time musicians were creating music that denied the Creator's teachings of love and forgiveness allowing greed and hate to penetrate the minds of the masses. No longer were humans creating with love, now the artists/musicians were creating with selfish ambitions that were causing wide spread panic and manipulation of weak souls. As each day passed the world continued to spin more and more out of balance. More souljahs of good were needed to combat all the negative media that was begin produced at alarming rates. Nutsako was sent to fight against evil and hate armed with love, happiness, and beauty.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/4/2006
Band Website:
DJ Nutsako, DJ Isak, Brotha Dave, Cyberhoe, Corey Allison, X-Tina, and Guerilla Man.
Influences: Dr. Repar, Professor Eric Larsen, Professor Doug Geist, Professor Tsiongas, Professor Norohoff, Virgina Nickles, Mrs. Speck, electronic beat programming, MIDI, turntablism, tribal styles, all forms of reggae, hiphop, all forms of electro, Native chants, experimental film, experimental video, 16mm film history, Hopi philsophy, Navajo philsophy, The Creator, Wisdom, Harmony, Love, Beauty, Respect, nature, and family.
Record Label: BPKM RECORDS
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Greeting everyone,   I hope all is well across the world!  I would like to give a shout out to all my homies up in the NYC who made my time in the city excellent!!  The crew at the Smit...
Posted by DJ NUTSAKO on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 04:47:00 PST


Greetings friends and family, I hope all is well across the world! I am well, busy busy making and remixing ALL di riddims of the world. These past few months have been VERY productive for me, stay tu...
Posted by DJ NUTSAKO on Tue, 16 May 2006 04:46:00 PST


Hello family and friends I hope all is well across this beautiful world!  Big thanks goes out to everyone who came to support DJ NUTSAKO, Corey Allison, Bareskin Productions, Tabletop Sound, No R...
Posted by DJ NUTSAKO on Wed, 03 May 2006 04:27:00 PST


DJ NUTSAKO Booking and/or Contact info: [email protected] or [email protected]   Education University of New Mexico:  1996 to present. Currently a Senior majoring in University Stud...
Posted by DJ NUTSAKO on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 01:05:00 PST