Reazon4TheCauze profile picture


I don't waste my time...

About Me

Everything in life happens for a reason. It's our job as people to take into account every single act and feeling that we get from each situation we find ourselves in, and interperate each experience to best suit our own personalities. Ultimately, every challenge and "Fun Time" that is presented in life is a growing and learning experience that, fundamentally, helps shape our personalities. No one person will take a single act the exact same as the next, which is where the personalities of all people begin to differentiate. No one in this world will ever be the exact same person as you are. Similarities will exist, but who you are as a person will forever only be who and what YOU are...I am Brent....that pretty much says it all. Oh and i ride this!

My Interests

I enjoy long walks on the beach, candle lit dinners, and a Romantic view of the sun setting by your side. Oh and my new baby

I'd like to meet:

i don't idolize people,but i do admire beauty!


Headautomatica, the mars volta,hoobastank, Snow patrol, the postal service, death cab for cutie, incubus,coheed and cambria,saosin, recover, Letter kills, the killers, and my all time favorite, TATU!!!! fuckin hot russian lezbians....


" I will miss our conversations...." If you know what movie that is from then you know my favorite movie... *sniffle* that shit gets me every time


animal planet^ These are my Mascot ^


hop on pop, green eggs and ham, wears waldo, and of course eye spy, bitches!


the person who invented thongsProfile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0
I'm Brent...No Better Or Worse Than YouYour results:
You are Superman Superman 100% Iron Man 80% Spider-Man 70% Wonder Woman 70% The Flash 70% Green Lantern 70% Supergirl 60% Robin 60% Catwoman 55% Batman 35% Hulk 30% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

My Blog

Sony CyberShot 5.1!!!!!

Hello every body! I just spent a shit load of money on a camera! you know what that means dont you? yep that's right, tons of new pics. hopefully the camera comes soon.... fucking bitch
Posted by Reazon4TheCauze on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST