music, body modification, illegal activities, visual stimulation, attending/setting up shows, being wacky
Body Modification enthusiasts and artists
Punk Rock musicians
PUNK ROCK, ska, metal, hardcore, rock and roll, hip-hop with a side order of rap
PLATOON, Romero's Quadrilogy, Evil Dead series, Pirates of the Caribbean series, Alien Quadrilogy, Star Wars saga, Pirates (greatest porn ever) Starship Troopers, TMNT, Donnie Darko, Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now, Ghost Dog, Shawshank Redemption, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, horror/scary movies-especially any movie with ZOMBIES, pornos
Currently Airing:
Democracy Now! w/ Amy Goodman, Nip/Tuck, The Shield, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, Carnivale, The Daily Show, ROBOT MUTHA FUCKIN CHICKEN!! and the rest of the gang of Adult Swim
Shows of Long Ago:
Tour of Duty, The A-Team, Macgyver, You Can't Do That on Television, The Muppet Show, Count Duckula, Danger Mouse, G.I. Joe, M.A.S.K., The State, Buzzkill, The Shirtails, David the Gnome, the entire Disney Afternoon (Gummi Bears, Ducktales, Talespin, Darkwing Duck, Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers)
the most important book ever:
anything by: George Orwell, Michael Crichton, Stephen King; Fast Food Nation, The Magus, Death Be Not Proud, America: The Book, Communist Manifesto, Of Mice and Men, The Caine Mutiny, the dictionary, the phone book (makes a handy weapon)
Hookers and Strippers (the only real entrepreneurs left)
and of course, Pirates and Zombies.