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I love hugs! Do you need one?

About Me

Hi I'm Danny - I would say something devastatingly witty here but I really can't think what? I'll make this one brief... like the others. Im easy going and dont bite so feel free to chat, I do reply! I like to change with my surroundings; I know what I like, though it may not sound so - it all depends on my mood at the time.
Friendship is very important to me, and I most enjoy chilling out with people unafraid to just be themselves - I try to make people laugh, though I'm always late...just tell me to get there ten mins before you want me!
I love playing the guitar and I'm currently writing new material to entertain my friends so if you have a talent for music and want to write as well give me a shout!
Work for most of us is just a bit on the side and after work is where life really starts. You see I always had a thing about wearing a suit and working in an office, but the moment I walk out the door I leave that world behind me, ready to rock hard! I have worked for banks (providing financial advice), a governing body (senior administration) as well as training people in customer relations and sales.
I no longer work which is quality, but the reason is not. In December 05 I was diagnosed with having a hereditary disease, which limits my time here, but it has opened my mind to who I am and what makes me and others tick.
I'm not the sort of person to fold at this news and my family and friends have all been perfect and helpful in making life sweeter! I will do everything I can to get the most fulfilment and pleasure outta life, but I'm still working out what exactly that is. May be I'll unicycle across a tight rope over the Niagara Falls, who knows!
How would you react if you were given a restriction of 7yrs to live your dreams out? If you have any ideas I'm open to suggestion. Nice one for reading all that! You must be knackered now.... but do say hello!
Your Seduction Style: The Natural
You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.
Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.
You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!
People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast. What Is Your Seduction Style?
Your Love Element Is Fire
In love, you are a true listener and totally present.
For you, love is all about feeling more alive than you've ever felt.
You attract others with your joy and passion.
Your flirting style is defined by your strong ability to communicate.
Fun and play are the cornerstones of your love life.
And while your flame may burn too brightly, it's part of your appeal.
You connect best with: Wood
Avoid: Water
You and another Fire element: will likely burn out quickly What Element Is Your Love?

My Interests

Everything interests me, apart from backgammon, nose hair & stamps (unless they're the magic kind)
Oh I forgot I do love comedies!
Lee Evans has to be one of my favourite comedians as his energy is second to none! Just look at the way he sweets; you know he puts his all in making you laugh! Another guy who's funny and tackles the issues is Bill Hicks but he is no longer about, drugs were his down fall.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can make me laugh.. more than once CAN YOU..........?


Providing it has a good beat & creates a good mood (that I want) I'm very open minded. Just enjoy variation - never the same.
I do love squat raves as Drum & base has such a buzzing atmosphere (I wonder why) as well as hard house and trance.
Admittedly I prefer more rock than anything but ill still listen to your punk, Indie, Metal, Scar and what some people call Emo!
I believe there is more expression behind the music and the people also are more open and unafraid to speak there mind.
Its been 10years since I first fell in love with Greenday and thats were my fist love for alternative music started. I will listen to anything once I'll never knock it till Ive tried it!
If there is a band of a type of music you think I'm missing out on then why not suggest it to me!
Do you like System of a down? Do you like Penny Wise? Do you like long-View? Do you like My chemical Romance? Do you like Metallica? Do you like Inflames?
Enjoy then!

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I'm ment to be an Emo Rocker?
Expressive and deep, lyrics are really your thing.
That doesn't mean you don't rock out...
You just rock out with meaning.
For you, rock is more about connecting than grandstanding. What Kind of Rocker Are You?


I like films where the action keeps you drawn in, but the twist in the plot catches you completely off guard. But must see films I would include Blazing Saddles, all the Friday films, Lock stock, Snatch, Kung fu Hustle and Saw 1/2 to name a few!

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I'm not particularly into TV, better things to do, y'know? ;) That is unless your watching Family Guy!
In the Uk we have our standard programs to watch like East Enders which are ok just that I don�t see myself being dragged into the plot though! If Im gonna watch TV ill watch something relevant. Im a bloke, so sometimes I do watch ya Top Gear and footy (West Ham Utd).
But music videos are cool to have in the back ground whilst your chilling!


system of a down - Toxicity
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