music..other random interests include.. japan, tadanobu asano, piercings, tatoos, angelina jolie, shock movie cinema, travel, 24, unusual stuff, scenery, peaceful places, camping, exercise, video games, final fantasy, unreal tournament, marquis de sade, sports, philosophy, psychology, wildlife, food, nature, mark twain, early morning, carnivals, clowns, witches, nature, tribes, art, s&m, working out, bird song .. "i dont have to make the choice cos i like girls and i like boys".. I love animals i don't have time for most humans.. ~Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his divine spiritual and intellectual development, has become the most vicious animal of all~ Shavo Odadjian, Les Claypool, Kurt Cobain and Mike Patton are Gods of Music!
peace and happiness..heard they were nice! Hmm here goes everyone i can remember..angelina jolie/shavo odadjian/les claypool/tadanobu asano/johnny depp/martin lawrence/chris tucker/mia kershner/steven tyler/kate moennig
alice in chains, nirvana, chilis, rammstein, system of a down, primus, nine inch nails, mudvayne, aerosmith, mr bungle, tomahawk, faith no more, pink floyd, prodigy, chemical bros, down, pantera, marley, outkast, Beethoven, Rachmaninov, ThuNder, pendulum, fantomas, tribal chants, some hip-hop, ub40, pearl jam, beatles, bach, bon jovi, REM, enya, morcheeba etc etc
ichi the killer, lotr, matrix, interview with the vampire, silence of the lambs, harold and kumar get the munchies! butterfly effect, american history x, final fantasy advent children, tumbleweeds, bound, ma mere
24, SG1, Stargate Atlantis, family guy, american dad, Lost, Farscape, The L word, Trek, Life On Mars, Heroes, Skins, Rome..other than that tv is cack
mark twain books, junk, two women, walk this way, scar tissue, celestine prophecy
Claire Bennet, Peter Petrelli, Hiro Nakamura, Niki Sanders, Matt Parkman, Isaac Mendez, Nathan Petrelli, Micah Sanders, Mohinder Suresh :)