serayaberkata... profile picture


hiding me,,,,,,

About Me

||cLingy||siLLy||madLy||Lowv emiLy||....

My Interests

||black pepper||chiLdrenz||making cookiezzz||betty crocker wannabe||juice||fruit punch||the heaLthy way with fruitz 'n vegetabLez||heavenLy chocoLate||curious me goes to an ice cream shop||sushiiii||pretzeLzz||fLowerz||sewing||origami||art and crafts||baLoon||dreams||mini cooper||my vaniLLa vaniLLe oiL||sunday morning||mySundayNoonLiteSun||in the rain with him||my bittersweet rain||nite of rain and starz||twirLing my umbreLLa||twinkLe twinkLe 'LiL star||

I'd like to meet:

||emiLy the strange||mystery||miLes||sabbath||neechee||bootsy||baLLads of the cLiche beserta baLada kera||mocca 'n friendz||c'mon Lennon karna kuw cinta jakarta||oLive tree (Luv bath 'n showergeL oLivequw)||i.FAM||archie||eLLi||'n my bear,my rain man,my twinkLe Lucky star that i mizz so mud||


||baLLads of the cLiche||mocca||c'mon Lennon||sore||the adam||the sastro||oLive tree||my secret identity||rise upon by you||Lightning seeds||cLub 8||catatonia||cranberries||cardigans||


||meLLanie martin goes dutch||cLaydon was a cLingy chiLd||monster mannor frankie rocks 'da house||kambing jantan||secangkir kopi hitam||antoLogi bunga matahari||origami bibLe||the deLinquent fairy's thoughts on dieting,exercise||feLicity wishes 'LiL wish bag Happiness||anything 4u||businessweek||a guide for young dreamer||


eMiLy tHe sTrAn9e,,!!!haHaa,,,;p

My Blog

how to speak pig Latin!!!

to speak PIG LATIN, u take the first consonant of a word and move it to the end and add AY.. eLLo-hay which means heLLo!!!heerzz-cay!!||eraya-say erkata-bay||
Posted by serayaberkata... on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 05:58:00 PST

if i'm getting smaLLer and smaLLer...

there are Lots of peopLe taLking and Laughing..i was sitting on a bench, singing oLd BeatLes song!i Loved Loved Loved not having to watch out for traffic!i Looked down and my eyes were stinging. after...
Posted by serayaberkata... on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 09:00:00 PST

afterrain aternoon...

i was thinking of asking "am i good enough person?" but i didn't want to say Loud.. i'm stiLL the exact same as aLways.. here's what happened.. my voice came out shaky and i was trying not to cry.. i'...
Posted by serayaberkata... on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 04:07:00 PST

who me??an induction!

think about it! everyday you wake up,have breakfast.. the more that happens the more it is LikeLy to happen tomorrow.. so, it is very LikeLy that you wiLL Live forever.. `adios! ..serayaberkata..
Posted by serayaberkata... on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 03:39:00 PST

differences between boys and girLs dreams,,,,

how we feeL about another person,or about an event that happens to us, very much depends on how we have been raised, on our beLiefs,on our Likes and disLikes and very importantLy on whether we are maL...
Posted by serayaberkata... on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 04:50:00 PST

just what you mean...

i know what u're thinking.. just what u mean.. cracking what he toLd to me.. i don't know much.. but i feeL much.. he hurt me! forgot our gud conversation.. make a gud consternation.. Leave our imagin...
Posted by serayaberkata... on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 06:24:00 PST


aLL the things that i've done are make me being a jerk! aLL i need make me sick! mom affraid,i'm frazzLed! terribLe and trembLing! swing and dancing! i'm not yours!your not mine! my worLd,that's mine!...
Posted by serayaberkata... on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 05:23:00 PST


i tried to think..that i try to be a gud person,, person Looked funny,nice,aLways fun with my own worLd,giggLe everywhere,pretty stuff,aLL the pink cLothes,'LiL girL,noisy,feast,cLuster,chat aLL day!h...
Posted by serayaberkata... on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 09:55:00 PST

do you Look back and think u were a dork at 20???

am i reaLLy so bad mannered, headstrong, pushing, stupid, frigid, Lazy etc., etc. as they aLL say???oh, of course not!i have my fauLts, just Like everyone eLse.but, they throughLy exaggerate everythin...
Posted by serayaberkata... on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 09:53:00 PST