Emirates is a indie band from Jakarta city based on west jakarta,that formed in 2006. The personel Oky, Nuki, Bayhaqi, Ade and Eko try to make a different way in music . Their music consists of distinctively emotional Sound and strong lyrics..but in early 2009 Oky (lead vocal and guitar) has left the band and Radith (he play punk and hardcore music at that time) changes his position as vocal...
and now part2 has begin... with new member..new story..and of course better performance....anyway your contribution is welcome, free to add, post comments, or just simply add your band's gig schedule on the comment... that will do... anyway... we dont mean to discriminate the scene or shit, we're just proving our existance...After so many times changed line-up and formation, now EMIRATES are : Radith ( Vocal ), Nuki (Keyboard/ Synz), Eko (Drums), Ade (Bass /Vocal), Bayhaqi (Guitar /vocal)