I'd like to meet:
Life is fragile.
It says so on a Christian bumper sticker that I saw today.
I like to read bumper stickers. Self expression is a beautiful thing, especially when it is stuck right across the back of your Ford pickup truck. Anywhoooever wrote that, I agree with you. I've been thinking about it all day now (cause that's what bumper stickers do, they make you think so you can reach these huge epiphanies while you're driving to the grocery store to grab some milk). Life is fragile, make sure it's worth it.. whatever it is.. whatever it means to you. Regret nothing.
Someone told me the other day that I should come with a warning label.
I thought that was pretty damn funny.
If you're reading this, then you a) have no life or b) want to know a lil sumpin bout me. Well, good luck with the latter. I have this tendency of being extremely sarcastic. It's kinda sadistic even. It only takes a few fucked up words to turn a stranger's friendly smile into a look of disgust and/or fear. I get a total boner from it. See? That's me being completely facetious. btw this is Crystal #2 writing this shit. You see, I have multiple personalities, all of which are in fact me, they're just triggered by the environment (it's totally healthy). For instance, Crystal #1 (commonly referred to as Penelope), she's the nervous, shy, little weird artist nerdy girl. She likes to observe situations and conversations, and not be directly involved. Then she'll go home, maybe cry a little, and write about it in her little black notebook.
But I had to kill her. She couldn't be trusted.
Then there's Crystal #2 aka Analcunt.
She likes to sneak out of her house wearing thigh high fishnets just to meet some girl from Myspace. Chances are one of these days it will be a nasty 40 year old man waiting in her driveway, but until then.. She also likes to date older women who have husbands and children. Well, that was a one time thing, and a big mistake, but I'd do it all over again. in a heartbeat. A good woman will pick you a part. Recently I flew halfway across the world just to surprise some girl I met on the internet 5 years ago for her birthday. It was quite a journey. one that I would do all over again. and again. and again. in a heartbeat.
I feel more like a stranger each time I come home
I have this obsessive personality that has been really fucking up my relationships. I really hate doctors. and therapists. so I'm going to become one. Art Therapy. However, I'm going to get a teaching degree first. I spent all of last year with K-5th grade, and I taught a little. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. You can't buy that kind of satisfaction in the store. Not even on Ebay. So that's what I'll be going to school for next fall.+ add
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There's a dildo in my purse
Jon, Nate, and I went to Pegasus last night. It was feckin crazee. um I don't even know what to say.. so I'll just post pictures.
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u giv me teh sexi comments herr plz.