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singing, songwriting, people, nursing... God to me is more than an interest.
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My Maker, Saviour & Lord... and King David, Mary, Esther, Ruth, Paul, & Noah (from the Bible)... actually, they'd all be great!Others: Keith Green, Billy Graham, Brother Yun, Charles Spurgeon, Amy Carmichael, Elizabeth Elliot, Martin Luther.
I enjoy pretty much all types of music. For me, the words of a song are very important. Artists I like include: Keith Green, the Newsboys, DC Talk, Across the Sky, Nicole Nordeman, Sons of Korah, Shaun Groves, Andrew Peterson, Foolish Things, Celine Dion, Kelly Clarkson, Missie Higgins...
i'm a sucker for chick-flicks, although my tastes are not reserved to these alone. I like all kinds of movies, except horror (yucky!)
Aussie Idol!
The Bible: the ultimate. "For the word of God (the Bible) is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12); No Compromise- biography on the life of Keith Green (Melody Green); The Heavenly Man (Brother Yun); I Kissed Dating Goodbye/Boy Meets Girl (Joshua Harris); Passion and Purity (Elizabeth Elliot); Hell's Best Kept Secret (Ray Comfort); The Saint and His Saviour (in progress... Charles Spurgeon); Blink/Thr3e (Ted Dekker); The Canopy (Angela Hunt); Eli (Bill Myers); Quenarden/Picking up the Pieces (Paula Vince); The Lie: Evolution (Ken Ham); Christy (Catherine Marshall); Rachel's Tears (Beth Nimmo and Darryl Scott)...
Jesus- 'cause He didn't just save my life (and the lives of all mankind, if they have faith in Him), but He gave up His own life to do so.