Going to the gym. Knowing God. Fixing up my hunk of bolts. Collecting hunks of bolts.
Arguably the most important question you can ask yourself is not why am I here but who is Jesus? Why did God come to the earth born of a virgin? Why would He?
Was it because of God's unconditional Love? No God's love is not described in the Bible as unconditional. His love depends upon repentance, faith, and the price paid by Jesus Christ for your (and mine) friends.
HOW DARE YOU JUDGE ME. Just to be perfectly clear, the Bible is clear "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." "the Soul that sins it shall die." I'm not judging you, I'm telling you the facts, you're in the same boat as me. You are condemned by your very works. They cannot conceal lying, stealing, cheating, blasphemy, adultery, lust, hate, and that's just some of the things we do to incur God's fury. The fact that you think that you will only be accountable of your sin to other people should bring to your attention how seared your conscience is. God is perfect. His standard is utter moral perfection. He is going to punish sinners in hell. I'm telling you this because I don't want you to end up there.
So you're in the same boat as me, we're both going to hell? Read this carefully. This is the most important thing you could ever know. God being in nature three persons, father, son and spirit, offered himself, the only begotten of God to offer his life in place of ours. Himself being the perfect, sinless, sacrifice required for payment of our sins. He paid the price for your sins. Whether or not you accept the gift of eternal life is up to you. It is not a free gift, it was bought at great personal cost to Jesus, my Lord and my Savior. He calls you to repent, turn from your sins, accept him as Lord and savior and follow him. And to preach the good news to everyone. Some will hate you for it. You may loose friends and even family because of it. The Bible says, "For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?" (Lk 14:28)
Please listen to the following messages:
Judgment Seat of Christ
Witness of the Spirit - Part 2
Don't seem to spend much time listening to music. BTW body type 6'2" that's my height you stupid myspace thing. Tom, myspace's calling me fat!!!!
Not the da vinci code. Saw it. Let's just say it's fiction dressed as fiction based on history (which it gets wrong a lot).
Not much on really to interest me.
The Bible. If you haven't read it you're missing out on the number one selling book in the world. When followed it can change your life 'God's law is perfect converting the soul.' (paslm 19:5)
abraham, jesus, paul