mark profile picture


When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the

About Me

Growing up in the badlands of Nova Scotia, I learned at a very early age two very important things. One, no man will respect you unless you can kill a polar bear with your teeth. Two, you can't wear white after Labor Day. These rules guide me even today. After running away from home and becoming a circus freak, I decided to try high school. My training as a Carnie helped prepare me for the awkwardness and social stigma that came from being 6 feet tall and 53 pounds. To say that the ladies were all over me is an understatement, by the way. With the glory that was high school over and done with, I went to college. They say majoring in history is the easy way to a Bachelor's degree, and I'm here to say that that is absolutely right. Nothing says "I cared just enough to declare a major and show up for class" than a history degree. Realizing quickly that my only professional choices at that moment were school teacher or Walking Pharmaceutical Tester, I went to teaching school. ...yeah, bad choice on my part. One day while taking a break from school and working at Best Buy, pretending I knew something about audio equipment, I saw a magazine with an ad for Animation School. At that moment the heavens opened up, little cherubs came down and spun around me saying "Goooo to Pittsburgh....gooooo to Pittsburgh". I would later realize after getting to Pittsburgh that the cherubs were not real and that I would have to stop sniffing glue. Regardless of how I got there, animation school was the place for me. I finally found a place where I fit in...a god among men, so to speak. And by 'god', I mean '10 years older than everyone else there'. But that's neither here nor there. After school I scored a sweet job making the crappiest video games in existance in North Carolina. But the work was fun and the absolute absence of women really helped me focus on myself. Three times a night, sometimes. When there was a slight business error, that some like to call "embezzlement", I was forced to live off the land. My training in polar bear killing came in handy at this point...however since North Carolina was severely lacking in polar bears, my diet consisted mainly of Cheetos and Hobo meat. It was at my very lowest point that I received a call to come to Houston, Texas for a job in the graphics department of a giant oil company. Sure I'd be helping to destroy the earth, but so what? They had a matching 401k plan! So that's where I am now. Nothing has happened since. :).................................... (Here's the version without the quirkiness) Grew up in Maryland, got my BA in 20th History and Foreign Policy. Went to teaching school for a year, before I realized I wasn't any smarter than the kids I was supposed to teach. Then I went to Animation school in Pittsburgh for another 2 years (lotta schoolin'), and finally started my career down in North Carolina making video games. Except every company I worked for went under within a I took an offer to move to Houston for a video/animation/illustration/multimedia/mechanic/babysitter job at a giant oil company. Been in Houston ever since.

My Interests

Lessee...animation, illustration, movies, politics, design work, architecture, monkey torture , travel, sight-seeing, wood working, and knitting. Okay, one of those isn't true.

I'd like to meet:

Jon Stewart...coolest guy on earth.


I can appreciate just about any kind of music, nowadays. Except for yoddling...something's just not right about that.Best concert I ever went to was Chris Isaak in Washington DC. I want to grow up and be him...except for the shiney dinner jacket. I don't think I can pull off that look.Um, in a nutshell, I dig alternative, 80's stuff, some rap, tiny bit of country, classical, jazz, swing, and anything by John Tesh. He's dreamy.


I've got some up in the "my videos" section


LOST, 24, Dirty Jobs, Battlestar Gallactica (shut up, it's cool now), anything on the Discovery/TLC/National Geographic/History Channels. Funny thing about the History Channel...if it weren't for World War II, they wouldn't have any programming. Thanks Hitler! :P


Sadly, I cannot read.


Bruce Campbell, Jon Stewart and um...Superman.

My Blog

But...I don't want to go to Iraq!! :(

So I finally got to shoot the video for the Mozambique minister today.  All day out on the water, riding in a 5 million dollar boat.  Can't beat that kind of day.  To get some really go...
Posted by mark on Fri, 18 May 2007 05:51:00 PST

Do you know the way to Mozambique?

So first, I survived the Dude Ranch trip this past weekend.  Thanks to Krista for coming with me and keeping me from freaking out when I got a really crappy email from...someone.  Funny the ...
Posted by mark on Wed, 09 May 2007 05:36:00 PST

Big Picture Kinda Guy

So I went to the fitness center at work today...on my day off, mind you.  See, I'm all about the fitness and what not.  After getting a shower (thank God no naked co workers were around for ...
Posted by mark on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 06:18:00 PST


Don't you hate it when you're stopped behind a car that refuses to make a turn into traffic?  Especially when there is no traffic and all you want to do is cross the street into your neighborhood...
Posted by mark on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 04:59:00 PST

The Claw

This one really isn't "new" per se...I started working on it back in 2005.  I never really finished it, though, even after maybe 4 or 5 different versions.  But when I thought there was a ch...
Posted by mark on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 05:26:00 PST

Thought this was interesting.

Editor's note: Roland Martin is a CNN contributor and talk-show host on WVON-AM in Chicago, Illinois. He is the author of "Listening to the Spirit Within: 50 Perspectives on Faith." NEW YORK (CNN) --...
Posted by mark on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 07:56:00 PST

shave and a haircut...two spits.

Ah Myspace, it's been a while.  Mostly because Time Warner Cable decided to screw me over for a week and knock out my internet access.  I have no idea what happened to Anna Nicole Smith now ...
Posted by mark on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 05:49:00 PST


So one of my New Year's Resolutions is finished up (do at least one new animation per year). onto the second one:  bathing on a regular basis.  Wish me luck! Pinata ...
Posted by mark on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 04:48:00 PST

Finally a new animation..

So, I'll have something to show in about a week or two, tops.  Here's a still image from it to hold you over til then.  And can I say for the record that I really souldn't just sit and anima...
Posted by mark on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 05:43:00 PST

I really don't know why I posted this...but I had to..

" target="_self"> ...
Posted by mark on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 07:26:00 PST