Souluptuous Voltage profile picture

Souluptuous Voltage

Promoting Peace Through Direct Loving Action

About Me

GoshDamn bionically playful, patient, dendrite to knowing other Centered, Wild Spirits (extra still or electrically frothsome, the whole damn gamut is dandy) of radiant vitality, Kung Fu Freakbait, cohorts in light-bearing, soul-stirring, nutritous madness. _______________________________ Mmmusic. People. Love. Tres importante. ______________Curiosity, Levity, Fuh-Realness--imperativo.... Bring it. . . . . . . . . .Good food fuels well-adjustedness. I welcome the well-adjusted. I welcome good food. _________________________________________________________Slo w lane tendencies in the freak Key of NATURE with great adaptability to and noteworthy appreciation for the buzzing metropoli. Quiet simplicity is my favorite. ___ Like to be places. - - - Like to go places.I'm On most of the time...Still inside, glad to be breathing, kind, unruly wit (prone to doublin'-over laughter), compassion & patience central. Quite alive, trustworthy and positively CHARGED. I enjoy looking around (the worlds glory and into the Grand Collective consciousness), writing, Mmmusic (eatin' it, bein' it, makin' it, freein' it, singin' and wingin'it...), listening to records and napping...refinish work, projects, cinema, cyclin' casually, occasional hoops (hula and horse) cookin'up food, conversations with fellow human critters and otherwise. I find good books (mostly non-fiction) and fall asleep reading them (a pleasure in itself!). ____________________________________________________________ _____Peace bent to serve the Universe as sassily & lovingly as I can manage............ Deeply laid back woman here. Open to knowing you.

My Interests

All damn manner of things and beasties, human-nature exploration...Interested in conducting a life of frothin', Lovin' surrender and Bold Light-deed perpetration. Sustainable, conscious steps upon the soil, permacultural notions in life garden, grinning, giddy, gridless co-existence of all people interested in such modus operandi.Music bends my precious metal into sensitive shapes.I'm interested in those lifetales that brought you to this moment, sculpting howdy-damn outta baby goo.I'm interested in the comfort of others and my own (from muscular soothing/ affirming eye-contact, etc., to Human/Civil Rights).

I'd like to meet:

..Those immersed in, sunnin' and gettin' stunned in the golden glow of a Loving soulful purpose on earth and beyond. P'haps You~ at a foreign country rendez-vous point of our choosing? -your family (chosen and otherwise), your favorite elders. -I'd like my bite to meet a bit better so I can break limp lettuce with my front teeth. Additionally, being a general fan of people, I tend to favor folks who might identify as a classy breed of goof, rich in patience, awareness (higher!), human-nature-savvy, cultural versatility and/or a multi-culturally celebratory spirit. A whirring and purring humor is fine ally-epoxy. Vibrant health in action. A willingness to set thine rumpcakes free when Called by rhythm (see below) as well as an appetite for silence and slow lane lingerin' will be warmly collaborated with. Fellow warm word-bowl lapper-uppers. I resonate nicely with some element of spiritual/emotional connectedness. What snares me? -Bright mindlights, Signs of Deep Kindness, Humbleness-laden confidence, a nice, freestyle gait to your intellijaunts, thoughtful perception... , perhaps a gold tooth and a lazy eye? I'm smilin' and hopin' you like to as well. And this little human here I just plain Love. Fatburger!:


is worth Living for. I gobble, sip and lap the stuff up and sing it out with equal enthusiasm.All over ze worldly place, genre-wise. Many efforts that stir me deepest fall into the enigmatic, the nebulous genre 'World'. Heavier sympathies to Soul Jazz Gospel Blues Punkin'Burn Rawk! wisdom and groove heavy Hip-Hop, thick juicy dirty ol' slices of niceness... Music as a medium to educate and wake us up!


Favela Rising (absolutely amazing, ache-some, beauty captured on the celluloid of the soul). Just partook in "Science of Sleep" and was delighted and pathos-evoked by it. Rize. I lean foreign, LAUGHED hard and long at "Kung Fu Hustle", "Yaji and Kita: The Midnight Pilgrims" (a gay Samurai Love Story!?)....drawing a blank...but some occur: ol' favourites- Antonia's Line, Dreams, Burnt by the Sun, Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring..., Pootie Tang, Jim Jarmusch efforts, first few seasons of "Good Times" episodes, Southern Poverty Law Center's free educational videos (, BeatStreet... Stunning Beauty~


Blecht.TV-free anomaly, relative pop-culture fool... .. This from the heroic mind of Pato at 7cero.


Words thrill my mortal imagination... Three on the griddle: Shantaram, A Fine Balance, Fourth Uncle in the Mountain. Chi Nei Tsang by M.Chia is teachin' me. elaborative answer~ Elizabeth Neuffer's (RIP) "The Key to my Neighbor's House", Thich Nhat Hanh, Paul Pitchford's "Healing with Whole Foods", A. Watts, K. Gibran, E. Wiesel, G. Maciocia, J.Campbell, V. Nabokov, R. Steiner, A.H. Almaas, Pynchon, Isabelle Allende, Zinn, Studs Terkel... Non-fiction, anything even remotely metaphysical in nature or challenging of stallwortian mainstream assertations. Just gifted an out-of-print one that I wanna read: Wilhelm Reich's "The Cancer Biopathy" I feel like a babe in the reading woods...there's SO much more to get into. Exciting.


Flavorful Octogenarians, Elie Wiesel, Thich Nhat Hanh, Joseph Campbell, My Great Grandpa Joe (rest his tender soul), Trees, people of integrity, Blue collar workers, No collar workers, Howard Zinn, good mamas y papas y chillerns, true teachers, Vitners of fine reds, bodyworkers, Positivity-charged peops/creators/musicians, Do gooders...people with flexible grooves in life: .. This man's Show at Radio City Music Hall during the Voodoo tour was smoulderin'*~ Whew! *Hugh Masekela at SOB's too! Mm!