Clappy Sle Thown profile picture

Clappy Sle Thown

Hello Hello

About Me

Clappy Sle Thown has spent his life studying, creating and performing within the physical theater. Moving in directions, out of direct focus out of sorts. He has been called a mime, dancer, clown and performance artist but is nothing more than a human, a blend of his experiences and training. He began in the theater by studying traditional forms and has since been driven to move from the theater out into the street, from the street to the warehouse, further away from these classical arts. Clappy began performing and producing multimedia shows with Giant Jerk, an improvisational music group from Midland City, Ohio. This has led to a decade long collaboration with artists from around the country under the banner of Giant Jerk. To be the jerk is to be free. Clappy currently resides in Pittsburgh.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/2/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Incarnations of Hello Hello include:

Max Hurwitz aka Clappy Sle Thown
(Director, Performer)
Bethany Hurwitz
(Make-up designer, technician)
Eli Hurwitz
Shirc Real
(Composer, Multimedia Director)
Jaime Legato
(Musician, Composer, Multimedia Editor)
Shannon Murphy
(Actor, Dancer)
Meredyth Casey, Allison Greene, Gretchen Hurd
All Giant Jerks and anyone who has performed with Hello Hello should get equal credit. Yes, they should...
Influences: We like:
The Akhe Group
Der Brudders Der
The Umbilical Brothers

Sounds Like: Sounds like you need to take a quiz to find out where you fit on the Jerk-o-Stat scale. Answer these questions truthfully and openly and you will not be wrong.

1. Have you made up your mind yet?
2. How do you like your toast? Triangles, rectangles or whole?
3. Is there a connection between der and sloth?
4. Is it better to be loved or feared?

Record Label: Dermusik
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Having Changes Everything

Remember when you loved to travel for the frequent flyer miles, who would have thought staying at home would be more rewarding? Do you remember when you couldn't wait to get to the sports page, who wo...
Posted by Clappy Sle Thown on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 09:17:00 PST

Article from the Pittsburgh City Paper

Hello Again From Issue 34 8.24-8.31/2005 edition of the Pittsburgh City PaperArticle written by Jennifer Dionisiooriginal article "Hello, Hello," Eli Hurwitz's text begins. "Let me tell you about a...
Posted by Clappy Sle Thown on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 01:40:00 PST