i am n0thing
i'm short and i like it. my favorite words/phrases are fuck , dammit, bitches, yo mofo, motha' fucka', eeegads, rawr, grrr, argg, "EEK!", "ACK!", lackadaisical, woot, and woot do! i am the "black fazoli's mafia ranger" and i'm not really positive as to how that came about. i really dislike people that can't think outside the box, that are closed minded, racist, sexist, or just plain ignorant. i can sound really fuckin smart when i want to, probably because i am... i have 8 tattoos(two on each arm, three on my back, and 1 on my neck), and 5 piercings(both nipples, clit hood, lip, and 1 ear). i don't add random people, probably because i don't like them. i still hate waking up alone but i'm getting used to it and i only have to do it half of the time now. i have a very interesting sense of humor. i'm incredibly sarcastic. i'm very random, animated, and eccentric. i'm not a shiny happy people. i smile alot but that doesn't mean i'm happy, or that i like you. i like to hug people. i'm probably the nicest, sweetest person you'll meet... unless it's a really bad day. i dress the way i want to and i have no set "style", though some people would consider me at least slightly "goth". i'm a pirate! i listen to a lot of different music though i'm usually drawn to darker stuff. i have some interesting anxiety issues. i hate daylight savings time. i wish i lived closer to chicago. take me to a concert and i'm the happiest courtney alive. i'm addicted to that damn full throttle energy drink shit. in highschool everyone thought i was a lesbian and i usually went along with it. i hate weezer with a passion. i dye my hair alot when i'm bored. i love to fuck with html because it gives my brain a much needed challenge. i'm a damn chain smoker and i drink alot. i have an inferiority complex, probably a "misery loves company" complex, and i think i have some sort of death wish. that's all i can think of right now.
"in hoc signo vinces"♥