My wife, Laurie, in a room lit only by candles...Some rich guy who has an extra ticket to the first consumer's tour of Mars...The man who invented graduated income taxes, so I can do strange things to his grave...The little old ladies who decided that Demon Rum should also be taxed into near non-existance...My employees at a picnic featuring smoked meats and a keg...All of the people who showed up for my 2nd Annual 49th Birthday Party, and all the people who play so well every weekend at the Red Kitten. Let's have a party!
History and historical fiction. Biographies. How-to books. Books that talk about things that grow.
Dwight Eisenhower, who led the largest accumulation of men and machinery ever known to man, in a successful surprise attack on a regime led by a man who was the first and worst example of genocide in the modern world. Gene Cernan, literally the last man on the moon. The genie who could make my days 30 hours long, and my sleep requirements not more than two hours. My wife Laurie, who raised six children, sometimes without much help, and still manages to be the host of the party every weekend. And finally, my Mom, who taught me how to cook, and my Dad, who taught me how to be an adult, and in business.