I TRULY DO LOVE ALL OF MY FRIENDS!!!!! Hello everyone, I am glad to be here right now with you. I hope you will like what you read here and also see here.
Please, take the extra time to get to know me better, by actually "READING" ABOUT ME!!! That way you won't ask "who are you" when I sent out a request of friendship.
Please, don't be afraid of me cause I'M JUST A GIRL WHO WANTS TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS TO LAST A LIFETIME and also share the network with positive people who believe in helping others achieve their hopes and dreams, too. I know from my experience that people helping people spreads more positive feedback and allows interests to grow. We all need to show our support for each other. I would not have made it in the business world over 20+ years without the belief and support of others, which includes people from other professions, and faith in GOD!
Life is not a popularity contest for me. My weakness is that I TRULY DO LOVE PEOPLE, and enjoy meeting all my friends. :) I love to give out hugs, and feel the love that friends have for friends. I love the excitement of meeting a new person face to face after chatting awhile and getting to know them better. I love the challenge of getting to know those who are hard to reach and hoping to put a more positive outlook inside their own heart. I love each day I breathe, and I want to make the best of it and be able to share my talents, thoughts, and most of all my friendship to others.
Always remember, If I don't respond to a bulletin post of yours; simply email it to me as well because I am not on my space everyday and I don't want something my very special and dear friends have written to ever just pass by me because the server can only hold so much information!! Make sure to subscribe to my blogs here on this page, and please offer feedback when you can do so. Don't be afraid to get to know me better. :)
Now, most important...I want to hear all about YOU!!!...This page is about me, my life, my family, and my talents in the art and entertainment world! It's your turn to share a part of your life with me. Let's become great friends & get to know each other better!!! {I'll be sure to give you a very special Annie {Anne} hug or kiss if you need it!!!}
Glittery texts by bigoo.ws
Please take the time to check out my personal review page for the world of great entertainment, especially on the Topeka KS Bands! Anne's Reviews
{Of course, as you thoroughly read this; you will notice that absolutely ALL types of ARTISTS....(paint, sculpture, clay, jewelry, metalists, etc.), AUTHORS, MUSICIANS, PHOTOGRAPHERS, POET/SONG LYRICISTS, GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATORS, CREATIVE ART & CRAFTERS, MODELS, (especially the full-figured pin-up girls)and of course... PUBLISHERS & TELEVISION PRODUCERS are a huge inspiration and influence in my own artistic venue!
Let those creative juices flow, and share your creative muse with me!!! It is my hope that all of you will share your thoughts,ideas,dreams, and a part of your own heart with me as a very important and special friend in my life!!!}
I take all my modeling and art work seriously. It's fun and exciting for me at my age to share my talents with others. [I LOVE WEARING FORMALS, BEAUTIFUL CORSETTES, FURS, BUSTIERS, JEWELRY, perfumes, and lovely lingerie!!! Now, that's my weakness] :)
Here's what the "Topeka Tonight" host says about my written work........"Anne Shiever, an international writer and lyrical songwriter, brings her unique perspective to the local entertainment scene. Based on years of experience in the music and writing industry, Anne's observations provide the reader with her personal review of the local area bands and their sounds."
Besides the love for music reviews and book reviews, I am also the Vice-President of the Kansas Author's Club {KAC} for Dist#4, Founder of the Heartland Hopes & Dreams Writers and Artist's Group of Kansas, and active member of the Prairie Inkwells Poetry Group! Art & Writing is my PASSION!!! I take pride in my work, and when I write it's from the heart.
Here is a review about me written by a great musician friend of mine, Mr. Shawn Ames: {lead singer for BACKLASH, Recording artist, songwriter, producer, musician, and the Founder of Mad Dog Records}...... "Anne Shiever speaks from the heart to the pen. As each stroke of the letters reach the page, eyes consume the words and thoughts that evoke feelings from every aspect of emotion: pain, love, rapture, despair, longing! Sincere thought and talent are what drives Anne's ability to write. From reading her short poems and books, I've been inspired in my own works to follow the high bar lifted by her. I strongly encourage new readers to fall into her lyrical trappings, just as I have. Enjoy!"
There's even more information about personal reviews at my additional homepage on cox. You can also enjoy some of my images by doing a "GOOGLE SEARCH" for ANNE SHIEVER.
I'M FROM KANSAS...and I'm not the Bad Witch that you always seem to hear about, and I won't drop a house on you either!!! :) hehehe... Simply, just ask for the truth, and that's exactly what you will get from me. I don't enjoy getting hurt anymore than the next person does. That also means if you are one of those people who just don't have anything better to do than to cause trouble for other people in their lives, homes, jobs, marriage, friendships, etc....then just stay off THIS PAGE. Please go bother someone else, because I am not hurting YOU by being here and YOU have NO RIGHT TO JUDGE ME by my words, photos, or my personality, so simply stay off my back....!!!!
or any of the BS that goes along with it".
I am looking for true friendships here....
people that can be trusted indefinitely,
forever friends!!!
I will always tell it like it is, and sometimes it hurts both of us; but that's just growing through life! You got to take the good, with the bad and the ugly or you just miss out on way too many important things here on this earth! Sometimes, you gotta take a few simple "risks"! Everyone already knows that the internet can sometimes be "risky" business!.......
So if you want honesty in your friendship, then I really do challenge you to get to know me better because you will have a piece of my heart to carry with you forever!........
I joined myspace for great friendships, positive 'artist' networking, having a few laughs at times with my new friends, spreading a little sunshine to those who need it, and to share "my artistic talent" with YOU, as well!********
I was born in Plainville KS. I grew up in a very small town of Gorham KS when I was a little girl where my father is buried. Most of my relatives came from the Hays KS area. I moved to Wilson KS when my mother Darlene Hammersmith/Mattas re-married.
I was the shy little farm girl, the quiet cheerleader, and the outgoing band member playing clarinet, bass clarinet, and some of the percussion instruments...{they kept me away from the drums, but not the cymbols...LOL}. I loved to play in the band, and sing in the choir; yeah...I did say sing :). I messed around a little with the guitar and the keyboard but being raised in a poor family little sister got to take the piano lessons, and I settled for writing poetry and some simple music, as a kid! {Just remember, back then, we never heard of the internet; and didn't know how to turn on a computer} Modern technology...you just gotta love it!!!
I graduated from Wilson High School. I moved to Salina KS in 1975 where I attended Brown Mackie College and achieved my 'Executive Secretarial Diploma'. I got married young, had a son named Kevin Wayne Fishburn Jr who has been one of the biggest joys and miracles of my life. {Here are some photos of my pride and joy. I don't care if you think he is a mama's boy because he truly was a miracle child.) I wasn't suppose to have any children. God blessed me with someone that I could teach, sing to, take to the park, read books to and make up my own stories, laugh with, share the business with, and learn from....I am soooo proud of this young man...he {Kevin Jr} is an honor student at K-State University studying to be a lawyer and accountant. I hope you enjoy this film strip of Kevin.}...he also has a page on myspace now...no1kdawg...that's my baby!
I established my own business in 1984.....(Be sure to check out my photos to see some of my family, friends, just having fun, high on life, and of course some of my artwork too!) I have several other places where my work is featured, so when you do a google search for "ANNE SHIEVER, you can learn even more about me!
....Now for a more details about me!... I am a very enthusiastic, "Accomplished ARTIST of many Mediums", {Jewelry Designer and Full-figured Model, a Published Author and new beginning Publisher residing in Salina, KS). ,br /I have been writing short stories, poetry, and prose since my early childhood, but I never thought of my work as being acceptable with other people until the year 2000, when I met a wonderful man named Andre' Zane Shiever who became my loving spouse. He saw the creative side in me. He strongly encouraged me to do what I love and the money will eventually follow! Zane led me on the path to finally do something good with my artwork, and author skills.
Since the year 2000, I have written and self-published over 12 books from short stories, how to's, cookbooks, research, self-improvement, inspirational poetry, plays, children's books, and many other styles of books to choose from. I've done spiral binding, saddle-stitching, and staple bound books until I found another author/ publisher who helped me release my first perfect bound book of poetry selections in 2004.
You can find these books by searching Anne Shiever at: to FIND MY BOOKS {This is also a great website for students & readers to find just what they are searching for in great educational material.}
But, as an versatile artist, sometimes my pallet is overflowing with an array of multi-medium skills from painting, drawing, illustrating, metal and wood art, jewelry designing (my favorite), poetry artwork (my passion), framed medium, and many other skills which I am in the process of learning (self-taught by reading and then doing).
I also do some of my own photography and I am learning the adobe photo-shop programs to enhance my skills as an artist, author, and publisher. I truly do want to help others like me learn to do what they are passionate about and be proud of it!!!
I believe that friends and artists need to support one another. Word of mouth is the best form of any advertisement. If the people like you as a person, then they are more apt to want to support you on other aspects of your life. I find this to be true with everyone, no matter what they enjoy doing.
From one of my own blogs on relaxation and romance a new store blossomed called "GET-ROMANTIC" which features many fine products for ALL THINGS ROMANTIC. Please take the time to visit my loved ones new store which is one of the hottest on-line shops to date. The listing of featured products ranges from lovely lingerie, to wonderful scents, and tastes to tempt your appetite. Arouse all of your senses and shop: GET-ROMANTIC
MORE ART--Since early 1975 while still in high school, I created hundreds of Unique Angel Designs using metal components, thus creating my own ANNE'S ANGELS AND MORE LINE, STORYBOOK BEAD-WEAR DESIGNS, KANSAS MEMORABILIA, NATURE'S TOUCH, and other beautiful jewelry pieces using some of the finest treasures of the earth from all around the globe!
I enjoy creating customized and one-of-a-kind jewelry for my friends and fans, especially cool sets like the bracelet, earring, necklace sets to customize and accessorize anyone's wardrobe...men, women, and children too.
I also make men's money clips. etc. I have a lot of fun being "artsy" when I am in the right emotional mindset. I can just be me, having fun doing what I am passionate about.
It's a great feeling when someone love's my work and makes positive commentary on it. I want women to feel elegant when they wear my jewelry because they are elegant and beautiful people.
My absolute love for the writing career, especially poetry, has led me to many facets of writing from children's books, to romance, and the ultimate gift of love for adults.
I am a very active member of the Kansas Author's Club, and the Kansas Artist's Group. In 2006, I was elected the position of the Co-Vice-president of the KAC (Kansas Author's Club) for District ..4 which covers a very wide area in Kansas. In 2007, I also served as Vice-President, and recently have been elected to serve as the PRESIDENT OF KANSAS AUTHOR'S CLUB DISTRICT #4. I am excited and delighted with the challenge which will enable me to focus more on my writing.
I am always looking for new readers and writers who want to join in an amazing organization who support the continuous growth and education for writers of all types and ages.
I believe in the young writers of today, and although some may consider this to be on the "dark side" there is always something that just "hits" life in general. {We also host contests for "YOUTH", so help encourage them to be themselves and speak out through the written word!)
I've been very lucky, myself; because my work has been published repeatedly numerous times in books, newspapers, magazines, websites, greeting cards, post cards, anthologies, etc throughout the USA, England, Canada, Germany, Demark, France, and Japan.
I have also designed the wonderful "INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP ANGEL" design on Sept 11, 2001 to bring forth Peace, Love, and Friendship to others around the globe at a time when everyone needed a little ray of hope. Now, these little angels have been sent around the globe...I am still making them to send to friends! :)
In 2003 my art forms were exhibited in both museums, and art galleries. In 2004, I was awarded the Pen Of Gold Award from a fellow Christian author and retired Oklahoma Newspaper reporter/journalist for my writing skills as a "Christian" Author, when I became more involved in writing books to share my existence on this earth because of God's great love for us.
God is ..1 in my life, for without him I would not exist here. It's hard to explain in a few words but I know I have a purpose and a real reason for being so driven. Many of my books come from my own survival of how believing in God helped me through some of the worst situations, and how I saw blessings in the simplest little things around me.
I learned not to ever judge people for their own mistakes, but rather to thank God for letting me see something good in every human being on this earth, and loving life! Everyone has a heart no matter how big or small, and I want to reach it!
In 2004, I was selected by the state archivist of Kansas (KAC) to have my complete book selection archived and displayed in the Spencer Library Museum of Lawrence KS as a part of the great Kansas Author's Collection as a part of the Kansas History.
I was also accepted through the State of Kansas to be listed on the great KANSAS ARTIST Listing. I was just thrilled about that, and hope to continue to learn and grow with talent in the art and entertainment fields.
Although I am still in the learning stages of many different writing techniques, I find that the more time I spend doing what I love, the more great influences I have touch my life.
My husband, Zane, is also an artist, metalsmith, jewelry designer, wood-worker, welder, fabricationist, sheet-metalist, and also a great inventor! I honestly believe that together, the possibilities of our artwork are endless; and we are able to enhance each other's talents which is very unique for a couple.
Please be sure to check out his page, too at: Zane's Page Take a few minutes to look at some of his wonderful metal art!!! He is very talented, but he needs a boost just like I do every now and then.......just like I do!
Among the artistic skills in the family, I am also a business woman of over 23+ years now, with my own store in Kansas called Anne's Collectibles & Gifts..."ANNE'S ART & PHOTO GALLERY" located at the corner of State & Broadway streets (152 N. Broadway) in Salina KS; where I sell some of our own artwork and books in my store/art gallery. I also feature the work of other authors from the state of Kansas and other states, too in the gallery. Be sure to stop in and say hello if you are in Salina KS, and support our loved ones new on-line shop at GET-ROMANTIC
My last two books were picked up by other publishers and sold through various on-line stores, books stores, and wonderful gift shops. My latest release is called "INSIDE MY HEART, MIND, & SOUL" The Poetic Works Of Anne Shiever written by Anne Shiever ISBN.. 1-4116-2692-3 Look for it at a store near you or order directly through the author. This book will help you find some of your own answers to God's love for us and the challenges here on earth. It will uplift your heart, enlighten your mind, and soothe the soul. I know you will love it as much as I enjoyed writing it; for without the love of God, we really do have nothing..................My newest version which has been greatly revised is called HEART, MIND AND SOUL..ISBN..1-59453-387-3 Either one of these books can be ordered at your local bookstore by title and author name 'Anne Shiever'. It is my hope you will continue to show your support by reading my work, adding my books to your own library, and allowing me to share my talent with you. I also do presentations whenever I am asked. Last year, I did a presentation at the K-State Library in Salina KS. The students and the teachers had as much fun as I did with it. I am always willing to do presentations, signings, and seminars to share what I have learned the hard way to make life easier for others. I have also been a judge for "debate" classes for college and high school level students.
................There is SO MUCH MORE information on my personal website at COX (even though it needs to be updated as well) ...so simply "google" search for: Anne Shiever and you should be able to find some more cool info about me, my artwork, jewelry modeling, portrait art, and my writing skills! Thanks so much for visiting me here today and for reading all about me, to learn and grow in my heart; because YOU truly do have a friend in my heart!
I ususally work the 6pm to 6am shift at my career {job} so I guess I am a night owl who sometimes burns the candles at both ends. That's why, I come here to relax with great friends, family, classmates, and fans. I like having a bit of humor in my life with good frends. [Laughter can cure almost anything for awhile, and good friends are just the extra special icing on the cake!]
I feel that I should have the right to another side of life just like you do, to live it to the fullest, and HAVE FUN with great friends!!!!....What I am trying to say is this........I'm definitely not your "ordinary lady"! I want to be ME!!!! SPECIAL!!! UNIQUE!!! I treat people the way I would want to be treated. I don't judge anyone! I always feel that whenever you do, then you definitely miss out on so many awesome people in this great big world of ours. Everyday that I am given the opportunity to be here on earth I want to learn, grow, and make my place in this world leaving a legacy behind of great importance. That's part of my hopes and dreams! So just, LOVE ME for who I am, NOT what I do!!! We're all human....nobody is perfect! We all have our fatal flaws, and our outstanding beauty from inside our hearts. It's what makes us all Special & Unique! (THE PERSONALITY TESTS THAT I POSTED HERE ON MY PAGE ARE STRICTLY DONE FOR GOOD CLEAN HUMOR AMONG ADULT FRIENDS AND I HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY THE LINKS TO THEM YOURSELF.)
"SO DID I EVER MENTION TO YOU THAT I TRULY LOVE AL FACETS OF THE MUSIC BUSINESS!!!!" MUSICIANS ARE ONE OF THE BEST INSPIRATIONS THAT I HAVE HAD IN MY LIFE!!!! NO MATTER WHAT KIND OF DAY I AM HAVING......THEY JUST BRING OUT THE BEST IN ME AND MAKE ME SMILE....ALL TYPES OF MUSIC TO SOOTHE MY SOUL AND WARM MY HEART....SO COME ON............SHOW ME WHATCHA GOT!!!! ******** I couldn't be more serious! (It's really about the only thing I really wanted to keep out of my first marriage besides my son)....Music creates MAGIC!!!! So Let's ROCK!!! Add me to your friends list and keep me informed on your performances in my area! You're the best!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR YOU PLAY, DANCE TILL IT HURTS, AND MAYBE EVEN PARTY WITH THE BAND! Anne's Reviews
Take a look at these cool sites when you have the time:ANNE'S ANGELS & MORE PAGES
This is my new review site for the Topeka Band'sAnne's Reviews