Personalities shouldn't be reduced to a myspace profile, but as an introduction... I'm Jordan, I am 22, and I'm married with a baby girl and another baby on the way. Outside my domestic role in life, I am a free spirited lover. I love being outside- escaping from the lock down of reality to the fresh green, blue stream, and naturistic part of life is heaven. At this point, anything refreshing is a blessing. Cool, shady trees surrounding our campsite on a mountain maybe, and a good hike trail that runs along a creek so we can exercise and get hungry and have an excuse to eat ten hot dogs! That sounds pretty good to me!There really is something about joining forces with nature and using your body and limited supplies to enjoy what it offers. Not to mention the great workouts hiking, mmm s'mores, and ghost stories followed by the acoustic versions of expression. Splendid.I love to sing and dance like most people, but I like it typically when it is innapropriate and annoying. I never wanted to believe this before, but I I've finally realized I can be annoying. Actually, I think people are just so entertained and jealous of my creativity they say I am annoying to make me stop standing out and being awesome. You people should quit, because I won't :-P Or maybe I am just annoying. Dancing, is so much fun but has been nearly impossible lately. My version of dancinf is bending my knees and pointing my fingers. I swear I am packing on 30 lbs, and it's all in the tummy. Moving is one of my biggest challenges right now!I don't know if I like to work out, or if I like the way I feel during and after I work out, but depending on my energy levels, exercise is fun to do! I know people that aren’t complete without squeezing a workout in (and you know who you are, crazy freak!), which is great; I mean power to you… My favorite thing about working out is that it’s an opportunity I have everyday to push myself, and it’s all totally achievable. It's just another experience in life I can use to help me grow- and be better. That’s what I like! Plus, I like to get high on myself, if you know what I mean :)
All that aside, the basics of me is this: I am addicted to peach crisp, and lately peanut butter. What is up with pregnancy and peanut butter?! I guess you try to give it to your kid as much as you can while they can eat it because the first two years of life (if you are strict like me) comes with no peanut butter. What else? Ahh yes, my humor can be sickening... If I haven’t talked about poop with you yet, we might not be good friends! I never liked shopping in my life, until I turned 18 or 19, and then I went through a 4 year phase of it, but morning sickness combined with working in retail can work miracles in the shopping addict. And yes, it is a disease. I love family get-togethers, and it’s great because half of my family lives here in Austin! AUSTIN FAM WE NEED TO HAVE MORE GET TOGETHERS!!!I think a lot about life, and I am really into figuring out how I really feel about things. And to be honest, I have no idea how I feel about a lot of things… yet. I enjoy getting into deep conversations about it though. I am all about the Socrates quote “the unexamined life is not worth living.†I don’t think people that aren’t into knowing themselves should die, but I think they should find some meaning to the madness. I love white chocolate mousse from tcby, and will go out of my way any day to conquer my craving for it. I often consider opening my own tcby franchise, but that’s just ridiculous. I am a pervert.I may be an angel to you, but trust me, when no ones watching (and sometimes when they are), there’s a devilish side to my personality. I’m really into beauty. Real, untouched and naive beauty. It’s kind of funny… the movie American Beauty, the guy records the bag floating around and thinks it’s beautiful… I think that scene is funny and f*cking weird… but it’s true. Sometimes, it is too much, and it’s hard to take.On my way to work one day I found myself in a similar situation. I was driving (go figure) and there was a beach ball rolling down the road, in the middle of the day surrounded by 18 wheelers and dirty old cars… happily rolling down the street with it’s bright colors this beach ball. I was just sitting in my car watching, wondering what was going to happen, and thinking about my life and what I do with it everyday. Then it occurred to me, that the beach ball probably doesn’t know what the hell it’s doing either :)
"Do not conform yourself to this age, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern the will of God, what is good, pleasing, and perfect." --Romans 12:2Positive people who don't waste their creative talent. Individuals who can make me laugh and laugh at themselves. People who can balance life, relationships, themselves, and new challenges. Those who can appreciate the small beautiful things about people and understand that you have to let your guard down to experience the naked, beautiful truth - life. You can make more friends in two weeks by being interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." –Carrie, Sex and the City
CLASSIC ROCK! okay. My first cd was Dookie, :) like everyone else's! I've always been into sports and being outdoors so I'd say it's safe to say I like my music loud and abusive!
I like the kind of music that makes you roll your windows down so you can dance and scream and freak out all the people around you :) -that would qualify any chili peppers song. I also :) love love love sweet love songs like plain white t’s- Delilah, colin hay- I just don’t think I’ll get over you, jewel- near you always, david gray- this years love, ben harper- walk away. The soundtrack of my life: the beatles of course, foo fighters, lauren hill, death cab, sublime, outkast, THE faders, sarah mclachlan, superdrag, joan biaz, some toadies, beach boys, jimi Hendrix, third day, weezer, Shania twain, strait, alice in chains, led zeplin, most beck, 2pac, cranberries, grateful dead, Sheryl crow, the anniversary, bloodhound gang (sadly), steve miller band, brand new, arcade fire, aerosmith, blink 182, Crosby stills nash & young, nine inch nails, eric Clapton, toadies, everclear, stevie nicks. –music is awesome—
Ahhh yes, I am a movie girl indeed! There's nothing better than getting comfy with the hubby and bustin' out a bowl of ice cream while watching a movie :) As long as a cozy blanket and a dessert is involved, I'll watch anything... good! Current MUST SEE: Stranger than Fiction. I am not much of a will ferrel fan, but that one was good.
Okay okay, what I'd really like to say here is I don't really sit on a couch and watch TV. I get up get out and do something. but the truth is, I like vh1. Must see: 40 greatest pranks, it is the funniest freaking thing you will ever watch. Other bum day must sees: big love, dave chapelle, curb your enthusiasm, entourage (but only cause the hubby makes me)… but really, we all should just go outside and play in the sun.
i do read :) I have heard great things about these authors and hope to read one of theirs soon: Philip K. Dick, William Burroughs, Tom Robbins, Chuck Palahniuk, Henry Miller, Charles Bukowski, Irvine Welsh I'm taking recommendations because my husband tells me I should read more. whatever that means! ;-)
I have thought about this one some more, and I have many heros. And they each have a different power that makes them super to me.