Gorgeous Armada profile picture

Gorgeous Armada

Its about time to start shopping for Christmas...

About Me

Gorgeous Armada is a nonstop thrill ride that never stops. Ever. If you don't leave the show feeling sticky then you missed the point. My mom thinks Gorgeous Armada is a clever name for a band. "I don't know what kids like these days," she said, "but I don't see why they shouldn't like you guys." Your Mom feels the same way.

Crook Book Episode 1 "Gangsta Sauce"

"Where did it go wrong? It definitely wasn't the sauce... the sauce was perfect." Follow Chaz B. Illyn (Gorgeous Armada) Acclaimed Internet Model Handsome Gorgeous (The Internet) and JPEG (JPEG Picture Show Productions) into the deliciously gritty underbelly of the culinary arts.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/21/2004
Band Website: gorgeousarmada.blogspot.com
Influences: Pirates, Hyphy, Theatre, Punk, Commercials
Sounds Like: The Smorgous Garbada
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Gorgeous Armada Blog Archive

Friday, May 26, 2006 review of - This Old Gorgeous ArmadaCurrent mood: hotCategory: Parties and NightlifeThree sheets to the windThe Gorgeous Armada sails into Off Limits, full speed ahead with freak ...
Posted by Gorgeous Armada on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 05:31:00 PST