November Rising is a coalition of Outer space warriors who have dedicated their lives to creating the heaviest, grooviest, and most original progressive sound in todays music scene. Combining complex time signatures, spontaneous changes, and heavy grooves, November Rising has worked hard to bring a new style of music to the playing field.
Josh Wilson (guitar), Keagan Soutar (drums), and Jenny Weston (bass), came together in 2003, originally playing 70’s rock covers at Selkirk College for music in Nelson B.C. Though they met unprecedented success (owed to the Russian clan of Castlegar and Keagan's zest for prom dresses), the band decided to shift into a more harder and greasier style of music. Graduating from rock school, the band decided to re-locate to Victoria for a more opportunistic scene, and continued to compose and perform.
Meeting up with singer Chris Lawry in the fall of 2005, November Rising was officially born. By this time the band had played together for nearly 3 years, and with the addition of Chris’ musical talent and outrageous stage antics, the band truly began to resemble a mighty beast of musical glory. Over the past year, November Rising has performed steadily in and out of Victoria, recorded a 4-track EP, and have toured western Canada.
Prepare yourselves, we are November Rising and we have come to take over the world.
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