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baby grapes

I am here for Friends

About Me

My Interests

Ceramics and finding out where the smell came from ...sad but so true


I like anything from the pixies to slick rick and alot of crappy stuff in between


The Usual Suspects, Shag, Master Killer( any old school kung fu flick), City of Lost Children, Never Ending Story, The Negotiator, Trees Lounge, Super Troupers, Switchblade Sisters, Reservoir Dogs, Ombok Warrior, Red Sonia, Meet the Feebles, Sexy Beast, Grandmas Boy, The Departed, Beerfest, Slackers, Harlem Nights


i have been caught in the zone watching the T.V guide channel..... all i have to say is Shazam


Jitterbug Perfume, Still Life With Woodpecker, Lamb, Kafka on the Shore, The wind-up Bird Chronicles, The Dark tower books, the Twits, Life with Pi, A short History of Nearly everything


anyone who can go out and still wake up on time for work