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I'm in HELL, and there's a Crucifix in it.

About Me

I Love the American Public & American Public Education. ............................................................ . I'm annoyed, so very annoyed with people who "claim" they are intelligent.. and "claim" they are so without an education. Are there many "studpid" individuals who are educated??... yes... However, If you were really intelligent you'd realize that having that letter infront of or behind your name, such as JD, MD, PHd, makes life so much god-damn easier. So for all your "intelligence" if you're still working some shit-job, YOU have gotten very little advantage for your so-called intelligence!!....................................... I'm tired, so very tired. I work 50-60 hours per week and slump myself to law school in the evening. I lift three days a week and do cardio for the other four. On Sundays, I study, all damn day which leaves Saturday as my only day to have to myself, at which time, I spend the day doing activities and chores with my bf Scott. I love to cook, I keep a clean house,and travel to Europe. I look forward to the day when I don't have to work so god-damn hard. I don't have time for people, much less for myself.

My Interests

Obtaining My Juris Doctor aka LAW DEGREE, Backpacking in Europe,I'm horrible at bodyboard/surfing. I lift weights.. religously. I'm a Scuba Open Water Driver. I live for Box dancing to deafning German Industrial in a short skirt & 7 inch heals at hollywood clubs. In general, I like being active. Where have I been to?? Here are Some of the cities:

I'd like to meet:

Who would I really like to meet/chat up with? Of All the people in the world???? Honestly, old friend's that I have lost contact. ............................................................ .................................................. *"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity"******* "When Liberty becomes license, dictatorship is near"********* Don't email me asking if I'd like professional photo, or if I'd like to model for you... I'm a law student.. Hello? WTF makes you think I have time or would want to go model for you. Modeling is for females who need attention or have nothing better to contribute to society. There has to be a billion other idiot females on myspace who are interested in such things.. go talk to TILA...FREAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEN TEQUILA.. she loves getting her pic taken. 2. Do not email me and ask me if I actually wrote "ALL" of the following rambling. If you were thinking of doing so, YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT AND I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU. Its merely a few paragraphs... folks, not some sort of great accomplishment. Fuck, honestly, what is the world coming to? NEXT, LET ME JUST SAY, ATTENDING COSMETOLOGY SCHOOL FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR, DOESN'T QUALIFY AS A GRAD/PROFESSIONAL DEGREE. Its a trade school kids. If you want a real education, go out and spend the time, money, work, and effort, and get one. For the rest of us, who have BUSTED THEIR ASS to obtain an education, being compared to a person who spent a FULL YEAR learing to cut and dye hair, is frankly insulting. also, I HAVE TO SAY, THAT THE STATE OF YOUNG WOMEN IN TODAY'S SOCIETY IS PITIFUL. I was wondering around Myspace one day, where I came about an 18 year old girl, mildly overweight, who had naked pics of herself on her profile.. along with a title of "wanna have some fun?" Now, don't get me wrong... I'm not a ice-queen or a prude. I do like to dress-up and wear make-up, and have NO problem with women who always want to look nice. Nor do I have a problem with nudity. In fact, my very first job I worked at, (illegally, I might add), at the age of 16, was a porn shop. But, my god.. have some self-respect. I find is sooo fucking sad that women are convinced stripping down to nothing, looking like a frumpy child in underwear, is the only way of getting attention from men. I see it in the club scene as well. Never have I, adorn "taped nipples" or a "g-string" at club... not.. because I can't, but because, I really REALLY fucking hate the "negative" attention I get from men. But that's the point.. isn't it??? These poor girls don't recognize "positive" attention from "negative," and basically take what ever attention they can get.. which, in my opinion, is sad. But What I must say, for all those women, pretty, ugly, and anywhere in the middle..please listen: YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOW SKIN AND WEAR TONS OF MAKEUP TO BE LOVED & a man treats you the way he does because YOU ALLOW IT. Demand respect, and nothing less, and you'll get it.. Honestly.. it's so true. I just feel soo sad for such young girls to be giving themselves away for free.. I mean fuck.. if you're going to do it, at least you should be paid for your time.Further, the reason why money does not bring us happiness is because the Federal Government takes all our money before we receive it. Let me tell you, Id be a much happier person if I wasnt paying for the Iraq Conflict, and instead, traveled for the next three months. Yes, my friends. I no longer believe in the propagandist American Dream of freedom and economic opportunity for all. Its bullshit!! Weve got laws in this country that govern how we eat, sleep, and shit, while the tax burden is quickly and quietly shifted from the Billionaires in this country to the individuals making less than $100k. And to top it off, the money we pay in taxes goes to fund multi-million dollar war-contracts that profit companies owned by the Billionaires. Its fucking insane!!! By-the-way, I am looking for a nice gay European whom I can marry for their passport. (I'm serious)Who I'd like to meet::: Real people with a heart beat and a brain!! If you care more about your hair then your education, then I am not the person for you. I also enjoy being extremely active. I'm a Open Water Scuba Diver. I'm a horrible sufer/body boarder. I've peaked climbed several 15,000 ft. mountains, rock climbed, rafted, guided high adventure trips in colorado, (10 day mountain climbing and horse pack trips at min 10,000 ft. elevation) and packed through Europe multiple times. I've been a WRANGLER... with a heard of 80 fucking god-damn horses, but I've also washed dishes/pots & pans in a Kitchen. I have narling scars from mountain biking, and I've gone SPELUNKING!! I've danced ballet with a professional company, and Jazz with Janet Jackson's choreographer, and I still love to dance get all dolled up and dance on boxes at Industrial Clubs in Hollywood. These days, I manage a law office and bust my ass in Law school....In other words, Im a very complex person.


REALLY LOUD AND ANGRY GERMAN Industrial...Skinny Puppy, Wumpscut, Velvet Acid Christ, And One, Nitzer Ebb, Leatherstrip,Informatik, Thrill Kill Kult Etc. goth.. Bauhaus, Siouxsie, Die Form, Sister's of Mercy, etc. New Wave Shit... Cure, Depech Mode Etc.. Some Hippy Crap.. Pink Floyd & Beatles (I adore), I enjoy Bob Marley in limited quanities. I enjoy Rob Duggan Growing up, my favorite band was Nirvana and I have an extensive collection of their rare tracks. Raised on alot of Classical / ballet type stuff. So, basicaly, a huge array of various stuff.


I managed an Independent Theater, so I'm fond of foreign films. I have a large collection of fantasticly frightening horror flicks.


Currently I do not have a phone or television at my home. Due to my full time employment and Law School, I am rarely there and do not see the point of paying for these services. But I am an avid Gamer.


I don't read outside of school unless it has something to do with school. You'd be in the same boat as I if you worked full time and had to read 300 + pages of legal text a week.


Ben Franklin, Wil Durant (If you don't know them, please take time out to find out who they are and what they wrote).. Individuals who can actually THINK for themselves. Not those who were sold on their latest toxic "dose" of American Propaganda and right-winged Christian Guilt.

My Blog


To all those how I havne't spent tons of time with.  I still love you, just.. i'm sort of in JAIL.  Law school does that to you.. well, at least, law school and a 60 hour per week job. ...
Posted by Julia on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 08:59:00 PST

Fucking Hypocritcal Xians.

I hate hypocrits.. let me guess.. the "devil made me suck his cock & buy his speed which I never snorted" And the wife of this guy, how fucking stupid is she?  Just goes to show you Organized...
Posted by Julia on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 09:09:00 PST

New Hobby!!! - Scuba!!

So, I've began SCUBA LESSONS!! I've been wanting to do this for the past two years, so, I'm very very excited. First off, it is not a cheap hobby.. Scott and I dropped a grand the first day. Fuck.. oh...
Posted by Julia on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 09:11:00 PST


Well, I made it to Thursday... MTW are killers for me since I have class till 10:30... but I'm not into working today. I just want to go home, do some cardio, and make something yummy for scotty.and.....
Posted by Julia on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 12:24:00 PST

Success & Happiness!!

Yeah know, 2005 sucked dick hard, but so far, 2006 is amazing. Things are going great at work... , and I'm making more money than ever for both me personally and my boss. Better yet, I'm personally sa...
Posted by Julia on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 09:11:00 PST

Where I've traveled to and back again.

Put an [X] by the states in the U.S. that you have visited and add countries you may have visited as well. Repost and title it "I'VE BEEN TO ......" then put the number of states and countries you've ...
Posted by Julia on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 12:29:00 PST

Steve Irwin's Death

If you don't already know.. Steve Irwin Died.  I have to say, I will miss him and his video productions.  I was first introduced to him in 98, when he shot a video regarding the deadly snake...
Posted by Julia on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 09:12:00 PST

LAW School

I just got my summer session grades back. I Calied my summer class, which means, I got the highest grade in the course.  This is the second time I Calied.  This is huge for law school since ...
Posted by Julia on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 09:54:00 PST


OOO  I am soo fucking excited.  I have planned to go to europe this summer, however, due to world cup and oil prices, tickets have been, on average, over a thousand bucks lately.  Luckl...
Posted by Julia on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 09:59:00 PST

The Loss of a Very Very close friend.

LOOK.. I KNOW A BUNCH OF YOU ... COLORADO FOLKS ARE VIEW MY PROFILE... over and over and over again... so many god- damn hits since David flew off the handle and went missing.. Do me a favor, if you h...
Posted by Julia on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 06:16:00 PST