π ÑΣÏL π ™ profile picture

π ÑΣÏL π ™

Profile design by π ÑΣÏL π ™ © 2006

About Me

About Me:

I am all of the following and more...

    Sensitive Sarcastic Blunt Determined Funny Idealistic Ingenious Intuitive Inquisitive Inconsistant Open Minded A Good Friend A Lousy Enemy

Personality Profile

You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant. Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.
For you, comfort and calm are very important. You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection. You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.

The World's Shortest Personality Test
Get Code | Create Your Own!

To Whom It May Concern
Those of you from Nigeria, Russia or any other Eastern block countries wishing me to contact you via a private email address at yahoo.com etc, should contact me via myspace like everybody else on here.
I do not write to private email addresses, unless of course, I know you, so please don't bother asking. You can save your stories of how you were let down in love and are searchig for true love to fulfil your destiny for some other sucker...err I mean person.Anymore such content I receive, will be flagged as spam...you have been warned!
In Addition...

Any would-be pornographers wishing to spam me with your sleazy dating/porn sites disguised as profiles...think again! I will go out of my way to report you and get your profile closed down.

Its not that I have anything against porn but if I want porn...I will go seek it out myself, thank you very much! Should I so desire, I can get plenty and whats more...it wont cost me a penny either! Therefore, I don't need your, second-rate, sleazy, virus/spyware ridden sites messing up my computer. Lets face it, if your sites were any good, then you wouldn't need to trick people into visting them... so stay the fuck away!

Go save it for the saddo men out there, who really believe that they are in with a chance with the model in the photograph, when in reality, its probably been made by some fat, beard-ridden, slobbering bastard trying to drum up some business! Don't insult my intelligence, you brain dead moron's...or you will pay the price!!

You have been marked on my profile map!

My Interests

Fuck Off Home | Stalkers Lounge | Invite | Messages | Blog | NASA TV | Videos | Music | FavouritesContacting π ÑΣÏL π ™ This profile is being re-designed for use with the Opera web browser. Without doubt the best browser on the market today. Faster, Cleaner, More stable, Safer and has some great looking skins that you can download too...by going to Tools Apperance. make fatal exception messages, Browser crashes and sending an error report to Microsoft a thing of the past and download Opera today! Microsoft can shove their shitty bug ridden Internet Explorer up their stinking assholes...So if this profile looks fucked up in I.E or even Mozilla too....Sorry but I don't give a shit! Download Opera for free now!

Please Help Find Madeline who was kidnapped from her holiday home in portugal on the 3 May 2007.

    Anyone from Portugal, any European country or even Africa?Has anyone noticed a stranger/strangers in their town/city acting suspiciously?Is Anyone you know who doesnt have children buying items for children?If anyone suspects anything at all...even if it turns out to be nothing...contact Police on the numbers given below her photo
    Computers Web Dssign Programing Guitars Music Astronomy Astrophysics Astrology

Cool Links

Quirkie Stuff

UFO's Linked to Bible Phropecies?

Info Wars

Relgious Phropecies...You Decide?

David Ike..Is he mad or does he have a point


Bermuda Triangle Theories

Newtons Laws Of Motion

Equation Of Time


New Scientist-Jupiters Innermost Moon.

Web Design/Computer

Myspace Security Update

Get Rid Of Windows Annoyances

HTML Goodies

IT Education

Check Your Webpages For Validity

Screen Resolution Tester For Webmasters

Test Your PC's Security

Fantasy Art

Boris Vallejo

Clyde Caldwell

Ken Kelly

Larry Elmore

I'd like to meet:



I made this MySpace MP3 Player at MyFlashFetish.com .

    Dream Theater Psychotic Waltz RushQueen Joe SatrianiSteve Vai Marti Freedman Aerosmith Gary moore BB King Stevie Ray Vaughan


Movies are okay...I can take them or leave them. They are better watched in the company of a good friend/friends or that someone special. Movies I have seen that I have liked, in no particular order, are:

    Queen Of The Damned Saving Private Ryan Alien The School Of Rock Hell Raiser 1-3 The Abyss Interview With A Vampire Jesus Of Nazereth Life Of Brian The Terminator Airplane Twins And many more that I can't remember just now...


I have better things to do than sit around and watch dumb ass, mindless, moronic TV. Would you submit your liver to hours and hours of drinking, day in day out? No? Well I wont do the same with my brain as far as TV is concerned.

TV is a tool used by many government organisations to manipulate the masses, feed the people shit and make them actually believe that they are living in a free world/democracy...whilst taking their mind off the fact that their liberties and freedom are slowly being taken away through government legislation. Its a sad fact, that most People are more concerned about who is screwing who in the latest soap opera, rather than the fact that they are getting screwed by the government!

However, when I do occasionaly watch it, I like to watch the following stuff:

    Discovery Channel Science/Nature Documentaries History Channel Afterlife Most Haunted CSI Forensic/Medical Documentaries

Warning: Watching Too Much TV Can Seriously Damage Your Judgment!

My Blog

Myspace Security Update

So far in my security blogs I have focused on the browser as a method of defence against explotiation/phishing attacks. This however, is not the complete picture and I'm sure many of you will be pleas...
Posted by π ÑΣÏL π ™ on Thu, 17 May 2007 12:27:00 PST

Hero of The Week!

In the last few blogs I have been less than complementary about certain people/organisations. Today however, I need to right that and give credit where it is rightly  due. There is a man out there tha...
Posted by π ÑΣÏL π ™ on Mon, 14 May 2007 12:19:00 PST

Shame On You News Of The World...You Assholes!

Almost everyone has heard about the little girl kidnapped from her holiday home in Portugal. Its very, very sad and I feel for her parents and what they must be going through right now. Its true to sa...
Posted by π ÑΣÏL π ™ on Sun, 13 May 2007 12:10:00 PST

Myspace Annoyance!

Time and fucking time again I have banged on about scecurity. I've written countless blogs about it raged on about Microsoft Internet explorer and the very real security risks it carries. BUT NO! My w...
Posted by π ÑΣÏL π ™ on Sun, 13 May 2007 07:49:00 PST

Blair Resigns..Good Riddans Too Idle Rubbish!

Today I am fucking angry! I came home for lunch today and there was that cunt Blair speaking his bullshit and giving his farewell speech on the radio. The man is an evil barstard and a liar of the hig...
Posted by π ÑΣÏL π ™ on Fri, 11 May 2007 04:00:00 PST

Fed Up With Government Incompotence!!!

Today I came home from work and was feeling so damn tired that I needed to sleep and a lovely sleep it was too. Not been getting much of that latley. Anyway, I woke up at around 18:10 and decided to g...
Posted by π ÑΣÏL π ™ on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 12:18:00 PST

Its About Time We Started Taking Back Control!

You know I am so fed up to my back teeth living in this shitty country. Even more than that, I am fed up with seeing what once was a great country to live in, go down the shitter big time. The health ...
Posted by π ÑΣÏL π ™ on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 01:01:00 PST

What Myspace and Google Really Think Of Its Customers

For those that don't know or are new to this blog I  discovered ads placed at the end of my blog articles that were based (but not always) around the content of the blog. It seems these ads are target...
Posted by π ÑΣÏL π ™ on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 03:51:00 PST

Is Myspace Exploiting Our Blogs Or Is Someone Exploiting Myspace

Yesterday whilst I was writing a blog about valentines day I happened to mention my current state of illness and morover how it helped me to loose weight. It wasn't more than a couple of sentences...
Posted by π ÑΣÏL π ™ on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 07:57:00 PST

Valentines Bollocks!

Well its been one hell of a week or should I say weekend. It seems I have spent the whole weekend in bed, with what only can be described as a really nasty viral infection. I believe I caught it off o...
Posted by π ÑΣÏL π ™ on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 05:22:00 PST