Music, sciences (particularly chemistry and quantum physics), the art of being bored, art in general, Tool, atheism, agnosticism, downsides of human nature, food, doodling, psychology, piano, art of procrastination and its consequence, recording of ones thoughts, blogs and journals, poking people, swimming, soccer (or football, whichever), nature, karma, listening to others' interesting ideas, acting as a hidden observer, hiding in general, poetry, books, writing, improvization and composing, English literature, various Chinese philosophies (not that I necessarily believe in them all), hating people, Anti-Bush and anti-American-ism, Porcupine Tree, not giving a shit about most things, daydreaming on public transportation, mass piracy, hating the Internet, being addicted to the Internet, doing random things on Myspace.
My non-existent God.
All the artists in my list of "friends" is a pretty good representation of the music that I like. Only things that are not represented are classical and jazz music.
I will, I think, always love:
-Porcupine Tree
-Franz Liszt
-Frederic Chopin
-Yo La Tengo
-Add N to (X)
-Aphex Twin
-Dream Theater
-A Perfect Circle
-Boards of Canada
-Pat Metheny
-Ludwig van Beethoven
-good classical and jazz music
I really should just leave this space empty
House MD! I don't actually watch too much television; all it does is polute one's mind with unnecessary and inaccurate infomation. Full details cannot be illustrated given the nature of the media and, in this way, it is inaccurate and misleading. Conformity has also never been easier.