"To pun is to treat homonyms like cinnamons"
e pluribus unum and stuff like that
I'd like to meet:
What's in your ipod, nomad, zunepoon
a decent mic setup
lasting energy based on nourishment, not just temporary stimulation,
© 2004
All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed.
i'm taking bass lessons from Mike Watt, Greg Norton (Hüsker Dü), John Deacon and Peter Hook.
"harmonies and melodies
these are things that matter to me
but is it wrong to understand
that noise and song
can go hand in hand"
The album opens up with a catchy rhythmic drawl and soon comes James Murphy's most approximate version of a Station to Station-era Bowie chant, only to be assuaged by a more modern female tone leadin into a musical interlude reminiscent of Beat-it style van halen rhythm work and laser-like synth sounds of the 80s. the next track "Time to get away" opens up with a pretty simple beat introducing Murphy's equally simple and fun beats. The guitar in the break helps hold on to the raucous feeling of the song without getting out of hand. The next track, "North American Scum" is full of witty lyrics and dancy beats celebrating the regular american. Oh man. then it comes. The centerpiece of the album. "Someone Great" opens up with a simple enough hook and the beat grows in classic form. This song and the next, "All my friends" really make up the most impressive bulk of the album. the production in this song is strong and tingles at the whole range of frequencies. What really sets these two songs apart from the rest on this album is the personal effect of the lyrics and the sing-song catchiness that Murphy is probably very proud of. "Someone Great" almost comes off as Depeche Mode with catchier lyrics remixed with a little DFA rhythm -noise work. Following this, "All My Friends" begins in a similar rhythmic buildup leading up to Murphy's reminiscence of friends that could have been kept and dreams that can't be reached.. yet. This whole album reaches a pinnacle where the texture of the glitchy noisy dance-punk that DFA has been perfecting catches up with the versatile sound of the funky and twangy guitar and rock one TWO three FOUR drumbeat. So i guess my point is.... LCD Soundsystem, Indio, Apr. 28I danced myself right out the womb
Swing your hips, not your arms
recently viewed: The Squid and The Whale, Planet Earth (BBC Series, crikey!), Puff Puff Pass, Don't Be a Menace, Ghost World, Equilibrium, Pan's Labyrintho, Run Ronnie Run, Children Of Men, i'm looking to add to this list ...
Old movies on TCM and AMC. Apparently i like the History Channel. the box isn't really my favorite thing. Show me something good and i'll watch (like arrested development). Sports, too: classic boxing, hockey (what i really want are season tix) and Lakers bball
Right now its all textbooks and mark twain on the bus
heroes? come on... i guess people i think of for inspiration are: myself, mom, Ian, prof. Janger, Vonnegut and bobby mcferrin (duh)Ernest:You don't sh!t where you might possibly have to eat one day again. I'm just sayin' you made a decision and you gotta live with it. and that's the real streets