I possess the last Green Lantern power ring--virtually the most powerful weapon in the universe. The only person besides me who can use the ring is Hal Jordan, my predecessor, because the ring was made from shards of Hal's old ring.The ring can virtually create anything I imagine--and my vivid, artistic mind can imagine an awful lot. The strength of those creations is tied to my will.Unlike power rings of the past, mine does not have a 24-hour energy supply. I charge the ring by touching it to a battery, which is a piece of the old Main Power Battery. I am unsure how long it has to charge it to reach capacity, but I do know that the ring's power runs out more quickly as I puts more demands on it. The ring's former ineffectiveness against the color yellow has been eliminated as well. I am not yet fully aware of the ring's limitations or possibilities, which makes every adventure all-the-more exciting...