reading, cooking (*Stop Laughing Dan*), snowboarding, dancing, doodling, playing cards, scuba, Radio, having fun and keeping busy! And I am getting back into Motorcycling! Oh... and I have discovered I am a "Brand Whore", when it come to Volvo ANYWAYS! I want anything and everything thats says "Volvo" on it... I admit it, loving a car is probably, just not right... but since I do not have children, for now, I think it's OK to love my Volvo S60! some sense, I have a new Hobbie...I collect stuff with "Volvo" on it. And-this just in-my New "love" a Triumph... Specifically a Triumph Speedmaster!
David Bowie, he facinates me! I am not an Obsessive fan, I don't know all the details...but I like his music and movies ___________________________________________________________H ugh Laurie too, I think I have a thing for British men, or maybe it's eyes, he has amazing eyes (David Bowie has AMAZING eyes too!)! And what a Amazing actor! ___________________________________________________________S imon LeBon... yeah, another British guy... and for those of you who don't know, he's the lead singer of Duran Duran-I have some one ask me WHO Duran Duran was the other day... I am not THAT old-am I? ___________________________________________________________A ngelina Jolie... 'Nuff said!
David Bowie... He's my FAVORITE... but I like ALMOST all music, I am not into Heavy, Heavy Metal and don't care for "Twangy" Country music, but am pretty much open to everything else!
Labyrinth, Pirates of the Caribbean, Dark Crystal, Legend, I like "Fantasy" Movies, the ones that can take you to "What if". I really enjoyed 300, the visuals-Wow!
HOUSE!!!! (Season 3 on DVD August 21st!) I absolutly LOVE House, MD... and Hugh Laurie (WOW!! Hugh Laurie is an Amazing actor-Did you know he's British!?) And I used to enjoy Veronica Mars, it's been CANCELED! Then I was into Bones (cut the jokes-it's a show!)for a while... and I'll admit it, I watch Dancing with the Stars sometimes.
Right now, I am reading "the Gun Seller", it's a great book written by this guy Hugh Laurie... I don't know if you've heard of him, but some people call him Dr House.
I am currently without a "Hero" at the moment...But I'm looking out for one!