Harrison and Crew profile picture

Harrison and Crew

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am the laziest cat ever. It said on my cage at the shelter that I was very lazy, the perfect pet for Zsa. And I'm sexy ! I am all grey with BRIGHT green eyes !I sleep all day. Eat all day. I like drinking water out of the bath tub. I have no tail.

My Interests

SLEEPING. Having my head scratched, humping stuffed animals, puring, but really just sleeping. OH and being spanked !

I'd like to meet:

Whomever comes over to Zsa's.


If i hear anymore HIM , Combichrist, Skinny Puppy or any more god damn 80's music, I swear to god I'm gonna jump off the damn balcony !


I've seen all 4 Alien movies,( run Jonesy run !!!! You are the braves cat ever !) . Everything else I've slept through.


Nip Tuck, but i can never make it through the whole show, i just end up falling asleep so Zsa has to fill in the story for me the next day.


I like to eat the paper.


Gmork - the evil wolf keeper of The Nothing from the Never Ending Story. Jonesy from the "Alien" movies, the braves cat ever ! OOh and Church from Pet Cemetary, he's my twin.

My Blog

Soup !

I stuck my paw in Zsanetts chicken soup last night while she was eating it on her bed. She was SSOOOOOOO F'in PISSED !!
Posted by Harrison and Crew on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST