Dear Friend,America is ready for change, and Hillary Clinton is ready to lead. I'm supporting her presidential campaign and I hope you'll join me in that support at this crucial time in the campaign.Let's show Hillary that we have her back -- make an online contribution
Hosted By: Fetish Dolly
When: Monday Apr 07, 2008
at 9:00 PM
Where: Club Hell
73 Richmond st
Providence, RI 02909
United States
Fetish Dolly
Click Here To View Event
bizzare... foreign... silent... creepy... cryptic... dramatic... thought provoking, etc.
Video created by Tony Grassetti
mostly philosophy, anything by Poppy Z. Brite, old horror classics, then the standard "everyone should read this" books
I don't really have any... if you look up to someone else too much, you lose track of yourself