BigBoy profile picture


There's too much blood in my ALCOHOL System!!!

About Me

Bury me smilin' with G's in my pocket have a party at my funeral let every rapper rock it let tha hoes that I used to know from way before kiss me from my head to my toe give me a paper and pen so I can write about my life of sin a couple bottles of Gin incase I don't get in tell all my people i'm a Ridah nobody cries when we die we outlaws let me ride ..

My Interests

Cars....Girls.....Basketball.....Round of Golf.....Golf.....Golf.....Golf.....Golf.....Golf.....AAHHHA LAK Pa

I'd like to meet:

Patrick Starfish....




Blood In Blood Out...Next Friday....The GodFather....Cheech and Chong Up In Smoke


The Simpsons....UFC


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Patrick Starfish