im so much interested with music.... acoustic hits are the best ones for me.... uhhmmm... i also love watchin' tv... i'd love to see weird things... they really suit my interest!!! hmmmppp.... i have an addiction on pix.... what else???!!!!???? chocolates!!!! yeah!!! that's it!!! chocolates make me happy!!!! strawberry- filled donuts!!!! strawberry belt!!!! as in.... gummies!!!!! cakes!!!! chocolate chip cookies!!!! wait!!! wait!!!! wait!!!!! how do you visualize my figure now???!!!!!??? hooh..... i love water!!!!! i mean water fight and the like!!!!!!! funny!!!!!!!!!! aside from these things, , , i love readin' compile stories from d internet and read them...inspiring stories from best authors...yeah.....
hmm,,, AnYoNe wHo CaReS To Be MaH FriEnD!!! Preferably those intelligent people... he he... Who has a GooD sense of HuMor and GooD LooKs... (=*_*=)
r&b, acoustic, senti, modern jazz
-=cruel intentions, princess diaries, lizzie mc guire, wishing stairs, matrix, serendipity, the notebook=-
iT DePeNds On mAh MooD (='o'=)
definitely MaGaZiNeS ('*,*'),,, i really hate kasi reading FuZzY books!!!
SuPerMan!!! he he...