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std::cout Hello World! std::endl;

About Me

Appreciate the Struggle. I can get along with anyone as long as they're genuine and honest. Some say I have a very disarming quality -- I try never to judge anybody, even if they're not so nice to me. During our journey towards love, peace, and self-actualization sometimes we're soaring and sometimes we're sitting on our ass in a puddle of mud. Often you struggle against your environment and even more so you struggle against yourself. And in doing so if your splashing around gets me wet -- well that's okay, I understand and I love you for trying!

Create Relationships. I can connect with people in different ways. Everyone is so caught up in labeling their relationships that they forget you can enjoy different levels of intimacy with different people. Categories and labels have the sad effect of forcing people to choose from a meager set of alternatives when they truly have the potential to create any kind of relationship they desire with another human being. Break out of the social constructs that restrain you!

Imbue Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is our future and my field of study. Like all labor-saving technologies, AI makes things that were once luxuries accessible to the lower classes. It enhances our capacity to think, to create, to accomplish, and... to destroy. Many people fear what they don't know, prophesying a robot vs. human war, but the real war is waged between the visions and dreams that shape our future. Those who smell blood and beat war drums will brandish AI as an instrument of destruction. Those who breathe art and beauty will use AI as a catalyst for the next cultural revolution. Artificial intelligence is that highest springboard from which you make your final leap toward reaching for your dreams.

I'm a nerd and I'm proud of it.

Original MySpace Backgrounds by Iron Spider

My Interests

Artificial intelligence, cooking, music, technology startups, video games, travel, performing arts, working out, chess, social change, investing, science and technology, skiing, cute guys

I'd like to meet:

People with beautiful minds, souls, and bodies. People who are on a path to change the world in a big way. Let's share our dreams, and inspire each other.


Classical, hip hop, latin pop, cumbia... I perform too: http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~ehuang


After a day of hard thinking I wouldn't be able to make it through anything too heavy so I like something with action (except for documentaries -- I'm a total information sponge.) The only way I'm going to watch a scary movie is if you volunteer to sleep over at my place and take care of the monsters under my bed!


History Channel, Discovery Channel, Iron Chef America, Next Food Network Star, Top Chef, Simpsons, Family Guy, Rachel Ray, Star Trek


Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Thomas Guide, Wikipedia(?), Harry Potter(!), CRC Handbook of Image Processing, The Development of Western Music, Guide to the Pianist's Repertoire, Problem Solving & Search, Numerical Recipes in C.


Each of my friends and family have some great quality that I admire about them. I don't know of any single person who embodies all of the qualities that I admire, and I don't expect to find such a person (but if you come close, I want to meet you!)

My Blog

Carnival Cruise 1/22/07

So the night before, I was laying in bed for two hours until 3:30am. I just couldn't sleep because I guess I was just too excited about the cruise. So I just got up and started packing and doing rando...
Posted by efunc on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 11:46:00 PST


Eric: where you have a headset microphoneEric: and a dancepadEric: and you ahve to be like britney spearsKane: lolKane: niceEric: i forgot what it's calledEric: it's made by the same company though i ...
Posted by efunc on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 05:42:00 PST

backpacking in Europe

I'm going in summer of 2007 for 4-6 weeks.
Posted by efunc on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 11:50:00 PST

target clothing

This occurred to me this morning: would you wear a shirt you bought at Target to Target? My answer is that I'm inclined not to. Why? I'm not sure, but after some introspection here are a list of possi...
Posted by efunc on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:27:00 PST

shitty things that randomly happen

I know this doesn't compare to people with cancer and starving kids in Africa, but life's little annoyances caused me to basically waste an entire day:1) I lost my vitamin case -- found it after lots ...
Posted by efunc on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 02:17:00 PST

at some hotel bar

I went to some hotel party/bar thing with my girlfriends last week and had a blast. We met up with this group of girls and these two guys who were incidentally both named Steve. It must have been my c...
Posted by efunc on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 10:48:00 PST

desperate guys

So my friends and I were at Las Vegas and I left Krave around 4am to walk back to our room at Caesar's Palace. There were straight guys wandering around the streets hitting on and harrassing any girl ...
Posted by efunc on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 08:02:00 PST

hot guys with self esteem issues?

So last night Ryan and I went to Rage and we ended up talking to this pretty hot guy. I was chatting with him and I found out that he left graduate school in Sociology to work in industry. I told him ...
Posted by efunc on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 04:24:00 PST

don't kill the babies!!

So this is something I've been thinking of lately. The company I work for has some contracts from the department of defense, and I can't just help think all these babies that the US is going to use th...
Posted by efunc on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 02:27:00 PST

love and sex for all

The other day I came across this article on relationships. This totally describes my own philosophy of free love. And hey sometimes you want to just mess around with your friends from time to tim...
Posted by efunc on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 01:00:00 PST