Jonnie S profile picture

Jonnie S

I dont know how to say this but...IM KIND OF A BIG DEAL....

About Me

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Whats up people. Hmm...what would you want to know about me? I'm probably the best dresser you'll ever meet, 1st and far most. I love going out, hanging with my friends, being social. I'm kind of cocky, but what good looking person isnt? Anything else you wanna know just send me a note or something. Peace. EXTENDED NETWORK BANNERS + MYSPACE LAYOUTStable
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My Interests

Making Money, buying Clothes, Movies, Steve Maddens, ExpressMen, GQ, the mirror...i cant think of anything else right now..
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I'd like to meet:

P Diddy, Usher, Angelina Jolie (and make some babies) Denzel Washington, Steven Speilberg, Pharrell, most defintily Kanye West..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
BeSt SuRvEy EvEr!! '06
:NaMe:: Jonathan
:Birthday:: Aptil 4
:Hair Color:: black
:School:: SUNO or UNO
:Screen Name:: Black Adonis
:Gender:: Penis
:Hometown:: New Orleans
*YoUr FaV.*
:Number:: 1
:Band/Artist:: It changes everyday
:Coke:: i try to only drink water
:Color:: Red
:Radio Station:: Only listen to CD's
:Sport:: I dont do those, to clean to be gettin dirty...
:Song:: It also changes everyday
:Hangout:: Where ever there is a party at the time!
:Weather:: Cold but not to cold, and Sunny, but not to sunny
:Type of Movie:: Anything that wins Oscars!
*HaVe YoU eVeR*
:Snuck out of the house:: Never had to, got all the freedom in the world
:Been in a car accident:: Nope...
:Almost burned the house down:: And ruin all my clothes?
:Broken the law:: If unpaid parking tickets count...
:Made yourself cry to get out of trouble:: Yea
:Cried on public:: never
:Cried over the opposite sex:: does my mother count?
:Made a prank call:: Bo, thats so lame
:Faked sick to get out of school:: Yea, i hated St. Aug
:Climbed a tree:: No, why would I? Whats in a tree? And i dont climb. Who really does that? Weirdo.
:Been dumped:: YES...I know huh? What were they thinking?
:Kissed someone:: yep
:Hugged someone:: yep
:Been in love:: YES.....
:Kissed in the rain:: no, but i'll be sure to do so next time it rains...o wait, i dont do the rain, sorry
:What about in a pool...:: I dont swim
:In a car?:: Done alot more than that in a car....
:On a bed?:: yea, who hasnt?
:Punced a wall:: If you mean against the wall, then yes!
:Cheated on someone:: Yea....
:Swam in a white t~shirt:: I dont swim
:Took care of a drunk person:: Every weekend
:Time you cried:: It's been a while
:Laughed:: Aobut 5 mins ago, im goofy as hell
:Word you said:: Bye
:Song You listened to:: Why do all good things come to an end- Nelly Fertedo
:Place you went:: Canal Place
:Person you hugged:: my mom
:Person you took a pic. of:: Myself
:Cd you listened to:: Nelly Fertedo, her new one
:Last person you talked to on internet:: Lacy...she's in france!
:Last person you talked to on phone:: ...cant answer that people are to nosey....
*ArE yOu*
:A Jealous person:: I couldnt possibly be talking about me....
:A Bitch:: Thats what they say....
:Whore:: So i've been called
:Happy:: Most of the time
:Mean:: They say that to...
:Funny:: I think so!
:Lazy:: lazy
:Retarded:: um NO!
:Pretty:: The prettiest boy you've ever seen...
:Short tempered:: It's not short but its definitly nasty!
*ThIs Or ThAt*
:Cars or Trucks:: cars, 2 door
:Rap or Country:: Rap
:Dr. Pepper or Rc:: whats RC?
:Public or Home-schooled:: Private
:Abercrombie & Fitch or American Eagle:: Ambercrombie is better, but AE is Free
:Sunny or Rainy:: Sunny
:Lil Wyte or Eminem:: Neither, they both whack
:Pink or Blue:: Pink, lol
:Cat or Dog:: Dog
:Phone or Computer:: Phone
:Ocean or Pool:: Neither! I DONT SWIM!
:Strawberrys or Blueberrys:: Strawberrys
:Kiss or Hug:: Kiss
:Love or Hate:: Love, i dont hate any1, they hate on me
:Pissed off or Upset:: If i'm pissed, i'll get over it..but to be upset...that's deeper
:LoVe LiFe:
:Are you single or taken:: I'm not really sure to be honest....
:If single, are you enjoying it:: If this is single, i'm definitly not enjoying it
:Have you been used before:: May be being used now....
:Ever used someone:: Yea, but they were aware of it
:Shortest Relationship:: 5 months
:Longest Relationship:: 1 yr 5 mnths...pending..
:Do you miss someone right now:: Lacy, she's in france and she may never come back!
:Do you trust you b/f or g/f:: Working on it
:Are you picky when choosing a b/f or g/f:: EXTREMELY
:Do you talk to yourself:: Only in my mind...
:Music Playing:: Do You Realize...
:Person your talking to:: No one right now...
:What are you thinking:: this survey
:What are you wearing:: Boxers and a T-shirt
:Do you hate your life:: Nope, i love it...well sometimes
:Does anyone hate you:: Alot of people hate me! And i'll never understand why
:What time is it:: 8:33 PM
:What color is your toothbrush:: Green! and i hate green
:What about your razor?:: I dont use razors
:Do you eat alot:: Sometimes...
:Are you passing you grade:: I'm scared to find out
:Do you laugh at stupid reasons:: Allt he time
:Do you have any regrets:: Many
:Have you ever TP'd someones house:: Nope
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I like just about everything incept for Country. I cant really get with that.


Mr. and Mrs.Smith (Angelina Jolie is so gorgeous) Cruel Intentions, Mean Girls (yea i know) Tears of the Sun, Million Dollar Baby, and anything by Steven Spielberg


Nip/Tuck is THE SHIT! Even tho the season Finalle was a dead give away. And Making The Band 3-GO DAWN! "Say Hello to Chi Chi" P-Diddy is what i strive to be like
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The Color Purple, Wicked, Son of a Witch, Flowers for Algernon


Who has heroes these days?