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About FT8'

FUCKTOP8 was created not even 2months ago to help people with "The Top 8 Drama". Ever since Tom added The Top 8 Feature people worried about who should be on thier top 8..not knowing that they could get other people mad that they are not on your Top 8.with quotes and statements like
1."How come i'm not on your top 8" and 2."Damn!! your meesed not on your top8" So now There is a problem solver for all of this .Ft8.which easily replaces ungreatful no lifes lol with beautiful letters -dash

Tha CrEaToRs'

Do's & Dontz'

DoNt' Send Messages telling us to add you Send Us InViTes To YouR GRuop And Dont LEaVe Comments in our inbox Do' Send comments teeling us what u think Leave messages If YoU want To Get to know The CreAtors Know We Respond to Most messages and comments

WAt To Do'

1)You must add each letter/profile as a friend...there is no code...just add each profile as a friend just like any other profile.
2) Once you've added all "FUCK TOP 8" as your friend just find them using these Emails:(to Add To Top 8)

f [email protected]
u [email protected]
c [email protected]
k [email protected]
t [email protected]
o [email protected]
p [email protected]
8 [email protected]
AnD YoU DonE!!!!! Put them up on your top 8 and and there you have it, you have successfully freed yourself from stupid top 8 drama bullshit.Now everyone will pipe down with this whole mess and get back to real life! This is F Top 8 , Your solution to your everday Top 8 problems.

-daSH ---tRAY---DA lEGaCYYYYY -- Yum x2

AdD All LeTTErs'

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