g@6®!El profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

............ ............ .............................................. & sometimes it need to be about the conversation torn shirts and dirty kicks xxx stoli martini up cold pizza for breakfast celebrity hater political history lover. I am a consumerphobe trying to stick it to the man, and likes giving it up to a smart man. I'm short with tall thoughts about everyone and everything; a journalist looking to take your photograph; a guy looking for dignity

My Interests

.....................................................VIVA... ........................hmmm...what are my interest? well I am certainly in love with my cameras; with them I'd like to show you the real world through my lens....running through the forest, sleeping under trees, campfires, using my kung fu gripping powers, quantum mechanics, avocados, exploring Latin America, hiking and grunting, owning a horse ranch in the pacific northwest, kissing in the rain, cubism, impressionism and all other 'isms...getting lost in the badlands of south dakota, Lee Friedlander, Ed Weston, Eggleston, Dan Eldon, rolling maki, riding the subway to nowhere, the bus on the BQE, recycling, ginger, feeling my heart swell up amoung OTHER things, listening to jeff buckley and staring up at orions belt, telling the truth, finding the truth, Rapid Eye Movements, pictures of you, pants not my own at the foot of my bed, my best friend mrs. Nicolai, crying over the friends we lost, joints, blunts, sipping MakeRs mArK- one ice cube, popping & locking with Ms. Alina Alina ALI, & FINDING A LOVE I CAN CALL MY OWN! i want drunken street lights, slurred speeches of ideology, stumbling whores, pissing people off, takin' a swig, a spit, a sh*t, smoke a fag and realize in the morning that living life is just my way of having fun ............................................................ ..............My dog Jahna is boriqua straight for San Juan . NY law makes me walk her on a leash but she'd follow me just the same. At night she makes me leave the stupid leash and we run up and down through the quiet street of Sunnyside looking for boys...she can be a naughty naughty bitch....................................................... ........ ............................... ........................................This is a COLLIER SCHORR image.....She is a favorite of mine.... .......................................Malevich............. Suprematism..................................

I'd like to meet:

the real me, the real you and everyone else with a furry faceSignac's- Against the Enamel of a Background Rythmic with Beats and Angles, Tones and Tints, Portrait of M. Felix Feneon


everything i like is never played on the radio: ellington calms me, piero and favio make my throat feel tight, tori brings me ghost, morrissey makes me blush, regina I had just found, buckley makes me cry, good hip-hop keeps me in check, blue vipers make me dance, Elvis is my king, freestyle makes me horny and tango, well tango makes me throw my head back, mr. cash makes me miss Matthew, bjork and I slammed into each other at the Roxy, Lady Miss Kier saaved my life, and the Cure well, Im healed. &&& my favorite song right now is May-December from Mos Def Black on Both Sides. Has anyone seen my turntables lately? Seems that I have misplaced them...........................................shhhh, don't tell anyone I was a raver in '93


.....way too many to list but my general favorites would be What the BLEEP Do We Know, Waking Life, Bagdad Cafe, Happiness, Drop Dead Gorgeous, American History X, Requiem for a Dream, p Pi - Faith in Chaos, any zombie flix, and most Tim Burton films. Hollywood is crap...someone give me something real PLEASE!




Favorite Book: CATCHER IN THE RYE.....I also love EDNA ST. VINCENT MILLAY, GINSBERG, EMERSON, WHITMAN, THOREAU, KEROUAC AND ALL ELSE POETICALLY TRUTHFUL. Just reread Close To The Knives....it changed my life again.


mis padres...their padres and their padres,padres...and all those that came before me...looking for any Hurtado's out there!...oh how could I have forgotten MR. Creyer, my high school photography teacher, who I think of often.