I can get into anything, some with persuasion. It is all good hot hella fun in my book..SPAIN 2008!!
someone that makes sense and thats more than real! Like Fantasmagoric real!!!Scratch that someone that is real period. Not just talk not just saying to sound peaceful but that really is themselves for themselves no one else. Geez-us.
Mostly anything besides country, I could just never get into it.
I freakin love movies! Quote'em daily..couple of all time faves are. Poltergeist, 200 cigs and The Others. Im a sucker and die hard Nicole Kidman fan!!!
..varies if i am into watching or not.... i am NOT a die hard fan with a schedule around TV.
Long as there is a good plat and not overly descriptive im there!
someone bold daring.one person comes to mind.Raquel Y Trevino.
My earthly loving Mother "Esperanza Aguayo"
and my misplaced hearted father "Pedro Aguayo"