Richard, Shelby & Vinny & Jonathon are four guys. They do silly things on stage, on video, and in the privacy of their own homes. They can be found at several Renaissance Faires around the U.S., at Fringe and Comedy Festivals in North America, Australia and soon Edinburgh, Scotland. They also perform their Nouveau-Vaudeville plays in theatres in select cities - be sure to check the website for current performance schedules.
Their most infamous show is "Testaclese & ye Sack of Rome," which they have performed over 2000 times since 1998. They also bring to the boards "Romeo & Juliet, version 2.0", "Much Ado, Be Do Be Do", " Canned Hamlet ", " Cleopatrick" , " Sherlock Holmes & the Saline Solution "and their most recent show " Cyranose! " which won a Best of Fringe award in 2007 at the Winnipeg International Fringe Festival.
They have had a Spinal-Tap-Assortment of "Third Guys" in the trio, and currently have *two* third guys in the troupe who are working different events in the S&F universe.This is their official site, maintained by them.Oh, and while we love getting the comment stuff from you folks, we delete the graphic comments, as they just slow the load time for the page down too much, and often make it too big...
Here's something Richard, Shelby and Jonathon recorded while in Edmonton in 2007. Jonathon wrote it. The lyrics are NSFW, just to warn you...
Backstage with Sound & Fury at TRF!