Music Video Code by Video Code Zone
I'm in the Central Standard Time Zone
Music Video Code by Video Code Zone
Flying / aviation, (yes, women can FLY, too!) , sailing, motorcycles ( I ride my own), hiking, mountain biking, back packing, roadtrips, jazz, wine tasting, sushi, ethnic cuisine, art/photography, eBay, gardening, home improvements, live music venues, exploring Seattle, mountains, beaches, rain forests, sunrises, sunsets, candlelit dinners, fireplaces, hot tubs, bubble baths and deep conversations... :-)
Friends to get together and do things with, I am just retunring to Seattle area Oct 2007 after a 15 month career detour to Wisconsin of all places. It's more boring than you can imagine!
70's & 80's Rock, jazz (classic & smooth), blues, R&B, playing my piano. Love to see live music venues: Jazz & blues fests, unplugged rock, local famous artists, roadtripping to see old bands that come back and rekindle old memories, etc...
Unplug it!
Mostly business journals,, pilot/flying publications such as AOPA, Flying, EAA, and some self improvement books...
My grandmother and Amelia Earhart, to name a few...