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That Girl, She's Just The Queen Of The Neighborhood, She's Got The Hottest Thing In Town, That Girl,

About Me

MySpace Comments Graphics / Myspace IconsHi My name is Jessica from Baltimore born and raised. Just glance at the following and you will know all you need to know about this chick. All my love people!!!!!!!
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girls layout @ HOT

My Interests

M Magical
I Intelligent
K Kind
E Entertaining
L Luxurious

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.comMen, Music, Movies, Friends, Love, Family, Sex, Television, Clothes, Money, Jewelry, Chinese Food, School, Past, Present, Future, Life, Kisses, Vanity, The World, People, Spray Glitter, Push Pops, Jolly Ranchers.
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I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone who can make a girl laugh (very important), big-hearted, confident and knows how to speak to a person, (NO WEIRDOS PLEASE!!!!) and I would like to catch up with some of my old friends, as soon as i find them!!. Other than that, hit me up before you send me a friend request to see wassup if you're looking for a friend or something else....
You Are 64% Passionate, 36% Compassionate
You are very passionate, especially when it comes to love.
In fact, it's sometimes difficult for you to tell between love and lust.
You jump in head first, and figure things out later... usually when it's all over! Is Your Love Style Passionate or Compassionate?
Graphics & Layouts


I listen to all types of music like Hip-Hop, R&B, Gospel, Pop,Jazz,and Soul. Some of my favorite artists are:


I like all kinds of movies like comedies(I love to laugh), romantic comedies, and horror movies(the rush of being scared!!!)But here are some ofmy favorites movies:


My favorite shows are The O.C., Family Guy, Noahs Arc, Girlfriends, The Backyardigans.
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Using your mouth

Your sexual hidden talent is your ability to use your mouth. You are incredibly sensual, a great kisser and a seductive lover. You drive all of your partners crazy with your mouth.

Take this quiz at


Some of my favorite books are The DaVinci Code, The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, Disappearing Acts, and my favorite book of all time is Their Eyes Were Watching God
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My heroes are God, my parents only because they had the courage to raise me as well and 7 other children LOL, my Nanny, big sister and my auntie!!!!..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Really LongSurvey (over 200)
What is your name?: Jessica Mikel
Are you named after anyone?: My "Auntie"
What's your screename?: [email protected]
Would you name a child of yoursafter you?: Yea
If you were born a member ofthe opposite sex what would your name be?: Sean
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: Nobody
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your nameconstantly?: yea my middle name is usually pronounced my-kell but is actually pronounced"Micheal"(sexy huh?!?!?)
Would you drop your last name if youbecame famous?: yea
Your gender:: Female
Straight/Gay/Bi:: straight
Single?: yes...come and get me boys!
If not, do you want to be?: nope
Birthdate:: November 29
Your age:: , 19
Ageyou act:: 19
Age you wish you were:: 21
Your height:: 5'6
Eye color:: dk. brown
Happy with it?: yea, it fits me
Hair color:: dk. brown
Happy withit?: no
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: righty
Your living arrangement:: with my peoples for now
Your family:: crazy but the greatest
Have any pets?: my little brother Ricky
Whats your job?: Student
Piercings?: three
Tattoos?: none for now
Obsessions?: clothes, shoes, men
Addictions?: clothes, shoes, men
Do you speak another language?: Espanol
Have a favorite quote?: "A rose by any other name still smells as sweet."
Do you have a webpage?: yup you're on it
Deep Thoughts About Life and You init
Do you live in the moment?: i try
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: yea
Do you have any secrets?: yea
Do you hate yourself?: nope
Do you like your handwriting?: yea
Do you have any bad habits?: yea
What is the compliment you get from most people?: i have a beautiful smile
If a movie was made about yourlife, what would it be called?: "The Life and Times of Ms. Muthafuckin Jessica Bitch"
What's your biggest fear?: Big Bugs andfailure
Can you sing?: i think so
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to lookcool?: nope
Are you a loner?: at times
What are your #1 priorities in life?: family and school
If you were another person, wouldyou be friends with you?: yea
Are you adaredevil?: at times
Is there anything you fearor hate about yourself?: not facing my fears
Are you passive or agressive?: passive aggresive
Do you have a journal?: yea
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: strength: im understandingweakness: im too understanding
If you could change one thingabout yourself, what would it be?: my living arrangments
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: at times
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: none that ican remember
Do you think life has been good so far?: yea
What is the most important lesson you've learnedfrom life?: don't take anything for granted
Whatdo you like the most about your body?: its voluptuous
And least?: nothing
Do you thinkyou are good looking?: yea
Are youconfident?: yea
What is the fictional characteryou are most like?: Joan from Girlfriends
Areyou perceived wrongly?: sometimes
Do You...
Smoke?: nope
Do drugs?: yea Life...
Read the newspaper?: when i have to
Pray?: yea
Go to church?: yea
Talk tostrangers who IM you?: yea
Sleep with stuffedanimals?: yea
Take walks in therain?: no
Talk to people even though you hatethem?: yea
Drive?: yea
Like to drive fast?: yea
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: yea
Hurtyourself?: not on purpose
Been out of thecountry?: no
Eaten something that made otherpeople sick?: no
Been in love?: no
Done drugs?: yea
Gone skinny dipping?: no
Had a medical emergency?: yea
Had surgery?: no
Ran away fromhome?: no
Played strip poker?: no
Gotten beaten up?: yea
Beaten someone up?: yea
Been picked on?: yea
Been on stage?: yea
Sleptoutdoors?: no
Thought aboutsuicide?: no
Pulled an all nighter?: yea
If yes, what is your record?: up till 3am
Gone one day without food?: no
Talked on the phone all night?: yea
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actuallyhaving sex?: no
Slept all day?: yea
Killed someone?: no
Made out with a stranger?: no
Had sex with a stranger?: no
Thought you're going crazy?: yea
Kissed the same sex?: no
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: no
Been betrayed?: yea
Had a dream that came true?: yea
Broken the law?: yea
Met afamous person?: yea
Have you ever killed ananimal by accident?: yea
Onpurpose?: yea
Told a secret you swore youwouldn't tell?: yea
Stolen anything?: yea
Been on radio/tv?: no
Been in a mosh-pit?:
Had a nervous breakdown?: yea
Bungee jumped?: no
Had adream that kept coming back?: yea
Belive in life on otherplanets?: yea
Miracles?: yea
Astrology?: yea
Magic?: no
God?: yea
Satan?: yea
Santa?: no
Ghosts?: no
Luck?: yea
Love at firstsight?: no
Yin and yang (that good cant existw/o bad)?: yea
Witches?: no
Easter bunny?: no
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: yea
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of arainbow?: no
Do you wish on stars?: no
Deep TheologicalQuestions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven andHell?: yea
Do you think God has agender?: no
Do you believe in organizedreligion?: yea
Where do you think we go whenwe die?: Heaven, Hell, or Limbo
Do you have any gay/lesbianfriends?: yea
Who is your bestfriend?: Amy, John, Keian, Maceo
Who's theone person that knows most about you?: John
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: get over it
Your favourite inside joke?: OOOOOOO!!!!(with a hand),Whoooo Chil', Why Pootie Why?!?!?
Thing you're picked on most about?: im toonice
Who's your longest known friend?: Keian
Newest?: Amy
Shyest?: Maceo
Funniest?: John & Keke
Sweetest?: Amy, Maceo and Keke
Closest?: John&Keke
Weirdest?: Amy
Smartest?: Keke
Ditziest?: Amy
Friends you missbeing close to the most?: Candice & Maurice
Last personyou talked to ..?: Mel
Who do you talkto most ..?: Mel
Who are you on thephone with most?: Donnie
Who do you trustmost?: John&Keke
Who listens to yourproblems?: Amy, Maceo, Keke, John,
Who doyou fight most with?: John
Who's thenicest?: Keke
Who's the mostoutgoing?: John
Who's the bestsinger?: John
Who's on yourshit-list?: John
Have you ever thought of havingsex with a friend?: yea
Who's your secondfamily?: Amy, Maceo, Keke
Do you alwaysfeel understood?: no
Who's the loudestfriend?: John
Do you trust otherseasily?: no
Who's house were you lastat?: Derrick
Name one person who's arms youfeel safe in:: Derrick
Do your friends knowyou?: yea
Friend that lives farthestaway:: Derrick
Love and AllThat
Do you consider love a mistake?: no
What do you find romantic?: kissing,hugging,talkin, cuddling
Turn-on?: goodlistener, good kisser
Turn-off?: can't clean upafter themselves, jackasses
First kiss?: Robert, 4th grade
If someone u had no interest in hadinterest in dating u how would u feel?: good
Doyou prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: i just go with the flow
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask aguy out: no
Have you ever been romanticallyattracted to someone physically unattractive: yea
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: yea
What is best about the opposite sex?: theswagger
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: the ego
What's the last present someone gaveyou?: a hug and a kiss
Are you in love?: no
Do you consider your significant other hot?:
Who Was the LastPerson...
That haunted you?: not sure
You wanted to kill?: not sure
That you laughed at?: Amy
That laughed at you?: Amy
That turned you on?: Derrick
Youwent shopping with?: Maceo, Amy, John
That broke yourheart?: Donnie
To disappoint you?: my manicurist
To ask you out?: Donnie
To make you cry?: My Nanny, I miss her SOOOO MUCH
To brighten up your day?: My family
That you thought about?: Nanny
You saw a movie with?: Keke and Naja
You talked to on the phone?: Amy
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: Mel
You saw?: John
You lost?: my Nanny
Right This Moment...
Are you goingout?: no
Will it be with your significantother?: no
Or some random person?: no
What are you wearing right now?: sexy sweatpants and a baby tee
Body part you're touching rightnow:: head
What are you worried aboutright now?: my cold
What book are youreading?: The DaVinci Code
What's on yourmousepad?: angel monkeys
Use 5 words todescribe how you're feeling:: sick, sleepy, excited, horny, carefree
Are you bored?: no
Are you tired?: yea
Are youtalking to anyone ..?: no
Are you talkingto anyone on the phone?: no
Are you lonely orcontent?: content
Are you listening tomusic?: yea
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My Blog

I Gotta Let Go...

    Damn ya'll...if you know me, you know, I can't just let go of something, whether it's good for me or bad. I can have the strongest grip on something and life is just trying to ...
Posted by Shug™ on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 08:36:00 PST

Finally Happy..For the Time Being...

         Ok now I hope you read my blog entry before this , and if you didn't it's ok. As for an update as to how I'm doing after that situation, after a visit ...
Posted by Shug™ on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 06:55:00 PST

ON BLAST...!!!!

Okay right now i'm feeling a number of things: amused, aggravated, embarassed, mischevious, but most of all, annoyed. Now you may ask, "Well Jessica, what is the reason for this?" The reason for this ...
Posted by Shug™ on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 06:23:00 PST

I Got Ya Back...

I got your backYou got mine, I'll help you outAnytime!To see you hurtTo see you cryMakes me weepAnd wanna dieAnd if you agreeTo never fightIt wouldn't matterWhos wrong or rightIf a broken heartNeeds a...
Posted by Shug™ on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 07:02:00 PST

To All My Homies.....

HoMiEs TiLL ThE FuCkIn EnD !!AnD AfTeR ThAt We StILL RiDe In H3AvEn!ThI Is A TeSt T0 SeE H0W MaNy H0M13S AnD HoMeGiRlZ YoU GoT ON ThE InTeRnEt!!!WhEn YoU G3T ThIs SeNd ThiS TO TeN HoMIeSInClUdInG ThE ...
Posted by Shug™ on Mon, 08 May 2006 08:29:00 PST


Posted by Shug™ on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 05:38:00 PST

To All My Gals........

Females who call themselves DIMES/SILVER DOLLARS cant comprehend that BEAUTY is PRICELESS and COINS get FLIPPED and DOLLARS get RIPPED but DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER Pass this to all of your female friends ...
Posted by Shug™ on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 08:50:00 PST

To Old Friends...New Friends...And Friends Yet To Come......

           What would u do if for every moment u were happy there would be 10 moments of sadness? What would u do if ur best friend died tomorrow and ...
Posted by Shug™ on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 08:10:00 PST