GreyWolf profile picture


There must be something better than this...

About Me

You will ususally see me wearing a hat and sunglasses, as the sun blinds me. Bright colors tend to be annoying to me, so you won't see me looking at your red dress. I especially like the horror genre. I like to write short stories and poetry about the depressing things I have seen in life. I can't stand the cold, so you won't find me living anywhere north than this. I have a knife making business and make hand made fixed blade knives using deer and elk bone as the handles.

My Interests

Lets see.. Warm climates, hate the cold, writing and computers, always working on them, old horror movies, and old gumball machines. I have a knife making business and make fixed blade knives with deer and elk bone as handles.

I'd like to meet:

Hmm.. I like to meet more of the native americans of the Americas, Venessa Redgrave, sophisticated women whom can carry on a converstaion, individuality, people who are not afraid to be "themselves", or resist conforming to what other people want you to be. and I am sure there will be more added to this small list.

My pages:
Daville Blades

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Video Source


Well.. one of the better things in life are the lyrics of some people... Type o Negative, mettalica (older stuff), Godsmack, System of a Down, Nirvana, Staind, korn, Johnny Cash, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Static X, Everlast, Nickleback, Pantera, Incubus, 3 Doors Down, L7, Rev Hoton Heat, Mark Lanegan, waylon Jennings, Mozart, Social Distortion, and I will think of more...


The Missing, The Bourne Supremacy, The Edge, Shogun, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Carribbean. Outlaw Josey Wales, The Departed, The Good Sheppard.


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Shogun, Red Dragon, Hannible.


Are there really any?

My Blog

In a Wood

While passing thru a wood,I saw a figure distant and hidden.Yet this person looked familiar and I sought it out with hopeful breathof a life now behind and forever gone.I had the urge to draw closer t...
Posted by GreyWolf on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 11:49:00 PST

The Muse of Another Rambling

Looking Behind MeI look and you are there, and then you are not.Your attention is elsewhere on another life.In a narrrow tunnel of time and place.But forever you are unseen and unlived..The images dwe...
Posted by GreyWolf on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 12:37:00 PST

I woke another day

The Wolf I know him well, his fears, his struggles.He has friends, but more often he is alone.He depends on the group, for acceptance and tone. His survival depends on them and him. He knows both life...
Posted by GreyWolf on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 11:36:00 PST

Another I wrote...

This And That Looking around me I find so many ruled by one emotion and one fear. They are expecting conflict but can't feel,and when they do feel, cannot defend themselves. What is it that rules them...
Posted by GreyWolf on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 02:09:00 PST

Another from the past still with me today

No Way OutI see and hear and smell them all,And know that I am one of them.They won't leave and neither can I.There is no avoiding them or their pain.I try to run, to hide in my dark corner,But they a...
Posted by GreyWolf on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 01:52:00 PST

Something I wrote some time ago, but still relavant today...

The ChangelingEverywhere the many shout and cry, always wanting, And I know them, not because I listen, but I hear. I see their faces before me, expectations, For what I can't control, and can't do. &...
Posted by GreyWolf on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 12:03:00 PST

Sums it up

was listening to the lyrics to this song and it sums up how i feel today... Moby Extreme Ways Extreme ways are back again Extreme places I didn't know I broke everything new again Everything that I'd...
Posted by GreyWolf on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 06:58:00 PST

Another Year

So another day goes by and i am told that i am now in another year, seems like any other day to me, no different than yesterday. But it seems i should have been doing soemthing from what i hear from e...
Posted by GreyWolf on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 08:28:00 PST


I live so therefore I am. If this life were no more, would I be, If life I am then death I will be, In life and death, I remain, To pass between and beyond. Does my choice make what I am, And does m...
Posted by GreyWolf on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 06:00:00 PST


Leaning back in my chair and playing solitaire, I am reminded of a sword sitting nearby on its stand. It has a film of dust now working to cover its old shine.  The room is dark except for a l...
Posted by GreyWolf on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 05:58:00 PST