Lets see.. Warm climates, hate the cold, writing and computers, always working on them, old horror movies, and old gumball machines. I have a knife making business and make fixed blade knives with deer and elk bone as handles.
Hmm.. I like to meet more of the native americans of the Americas, Venessa Redgrave, sophisticated women whom can carry on a converstaion, individuality, people who are not afraid to be "themselves", or resist conforming to what other people want you to be. and I am sure there will be more added to this small list.
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Well.. one of the better things in life are the lyrics of some people... Type o Negative, mettalica (older stuff), Godsmack, System of a Down, Nirvana, Staind, korn, Johnny Cash, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Static X, Everlast, Nickleback, Pantera, Incubus, 3 Doors Down, L7, Rev Hoton Heat, Mark Lanegan, waylon Jennings, Mozart, Social Distortion, and I will think of more...
The Missing, The Bourne Supremacy, The Edge, Shogun, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Carribbean. Outlaw Josey Wales, The Departed, The Good Sheppard.
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Shogun, Red Dragon, Hannible.
Are there really any?