| sonic-cinema.info || fant00m.org || fokusrecords.com | Sonic-Cinema (me and maartez) has made 2 Samples packs for Kontakt and one ACIDized WAV sample pack available as free downloads. Click on the image below to download. Hello. I am ThorLtd or Durk.
I study sound-design at the NPAC in Utrecht (NL) I make
stuff. Sample instruments to make electronic pseudo acoustic music. I like to make graphic stuff in ps. (not very good at it though i'm afraid) sample lots of vynil and bad mp3's from the
internet. Use X-noize toooó much due to bad mic's. It stil
sounds nice
though. I would like a ribbon mic or 2.
I am co-founder of Fant00m.org platform. Fant00m is a E-zine and
platform that was started by 3 dudes from Rotterdam and The Hague. We
release free mp3 EP's and write nice articles about contemporary art
and music.
presskit: thor-ltd.nl/press