Fun-raising, promoting my bands, DMT, Festivals, bodyart,trying to up the number of crystals i can collect and rocks, advising, using skin products that are found in the health food store, eating organic, world peace..planting TREES, acting childlike, once in a while, smiling, dancing, and laughing, art museums, family, being alone sometimes, medical you know, and marching to the beat of my own drummer... ...
You Are 100% Bipolar
Consult a doctor to see if you may truly have bipolar disorder.
Are You Bipolar?
Any, especially the Dead, Dakini, Peeping Tom, Deftones, Psylab, John Kimock, Zero,Papa Mali, Rhythym Devils, Stone Senses, Ratdog, Kettle Joes, New Riders of the Purple Sage,Unexplained Bacon, Janes, Banyan, Post Junction, Zap Mama, Ratdog, Industrial like Skinny, DJ's as in Labyrynth,Forest Green,Haj, and DJ Donkey Punch, nothing but ghetto psychedellic reggae, originals and electronic will do....ANY LIVE BANDS THAT DON'T SUCK.....OR STUPID COVER BANDS..
an inconvenient truth, anything Tim Burton, Mark Eaton, Pay It Forward, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, Matrix,V for Vendetta, anything Johnny Depp, True Romance!!!!!
Brainwash, no thanks. Television is an impediment to your personal thinking. I do like Family Guy and Simpsons though.
The Little Prince, The Giving Tree (Shel Silverstein) The Art of Happiness (Dalai Lama), Einstein's Dreams (Albert Lightman) and The Kite Runner, A Million Little Pieces. Bridges of Madison County, 100 Years of Solitude. The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life 1,2, Celestine Prophecy, The Lorax (i speak for the trees!) mags BITCH AND ADBUSTERS! ALSO BOOK, Transform Your Life
Dalai Lama, MY TEACHERS!!!!!!!! friends, family and anyone who taught me something new and inspired me...Lily Ryscavage and Niki Ness, I miss you homiez!Especially Chris Winks Arnold. AND MJ, WES, AND VIVI- MY NEPHEWS AND NIECE!