MySpace Editor
general hater, incurable geek.
hitler is fun and zuzzurro is too.
go and fight with slobodan.
me king of flamewars.
don't trust me? you can check my weblog (italian) full of hate speech, embarrassing opinions, unbearable nerd monologues and pictures of your mother cocksucking gheddafi.
you commies! you hippies! you fucking happy flower-peace-rainbow bringing, get fuck yourself. since age 7 I dreamt NUCLEAR WARFARE as the only way to clean up this world and begin again with a civilization adoring Mighty Pacman as its God.
oh, and vegans must die too, since I don't eat anything unless it has suffered terribly to come in my mouth.
are you complaining because "my pc is infected with viruses ueeeh ueeh" "i need an antispyware ueeeeh ueeeh" "omg this thing is crashing i dunno why ueeeh ueeeh" ? stop crying, you're no more a baby, and install a serious operating system instead of Microsoft crap.