Matt Burroflu profile picture

Matt Burroflu

I found out what living is all about.

About Me

Broadway the Crew, Crockett Crew, Friday FNB, Saturday Pick up, Birdflu Zine, Fork in the Road House, Hell, Soup Kitchen, Apavagar, 37th, peeing in the elevator, can't step to my PRV.

My Interests

COPIES AND DONUTS SWIMMING if you send me your adress I'll send you zines and tapes I made.

I'd like to meet:

malkmus again, the kingsnake again.


Covena Turpentine, Audio Two, Stetsasonic, Ultramagnetic, Shotwell, Copies and Donuts, Broadway, JRR Tallcan, Chicken and Whiskey, Salt N Pepa, Allergic to Bullshit, SWV, TLC, KRS, Nas, Del, The Most, Connie Fucking Francis, Late Capitalism, Barn Docs, Acoustic Blowout, Walter Kaminski, Crass, Peni, DK, Adolescents, Germs, Minor Het, Shit Split, FLIPPER, Meat Puppets 2 (thanks truck), pixies, PAVEMENT, les incompentent, jump off the building, ghost family, shitstorm, the records of mason, kevin, garritt, eric, tapes made for me by truck, swamprat, english will, garritt.




I saw the movie "The Sting" on TV.


have read all these several times: The Long Goodbye, Wild Sheep Chase, Portrait of an Eye, Jack the Modernist, The Letters of Mina Harker, Nightwood, Day of the Locust/ Miss Lonely Hearts, City of Quartz, Mourning and Melancholia, Catcher in the Rye, 1984, Belljar.


positive people, depressed people, people that have the same identity in several different cities, people that have a different identity every few weeks, pantheristic people