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The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep. An

About Me

Abandon anger, get done with conceit, get beyond every fetter, when for name and form you have no attachment, have nothing at all, no sufferings, no stresses -- then, of course, Invade...
About moi?
I'm more clever than smart. More intuitive than educated. Equally caring as I am bold. Endlessly lazy and endlessly hard working. I think problems, difficulties and resistance are the markers on the path to doing something truly great. Passion, pure and innocent, is always something great. Love and Art, both maddening on a day to day basis, but in the long run what else matters? I contain the collective wisdom of mankind within me so I can recognize truth when it presents itself, yet I am still clueless. My dark side is more kind of gray. An editor at heart, I look at everything and try to make it better. I sort of like walking down the middle of the road, especially to the next Whole Foods Market. I hold accuracy above all other things, including ego and social institutions. Dogs always try to do more than they can, that's why they're cooler than cats, except for Jack Bambi, who's cooler than all of us. I also try to do more than I can. Life is short and eternity is long, which in my mind justifies the decision to always order extra toppings on your pizza. If it's worth doing, it's probably worth doing naked. I give myself an A for effort, which raises my overall score to a solid B. I think John Lennon may have been onto something... "The love you take is equal to the love you make." ----------------------------------------------------------
When your feelings are the strongest they can possibly be, then you must be in love, for though we have no proper definition for the word, we know there is nothing beyond it.
Women will sacrifice love to attain their dreams; men will give up their dreams for the sake of love.
Compatibility ought to be defined by how often two people intensely desire the same thing, not how successfully they are at making compromises over their differences.
The heart forms emotional bonds faster than it knows a desire for permanence.
There are no real choices in love. You simply come to realize what you must do, and then you do all that you can do.
True love requires that the loved one be fully known, in a way only their loving in return can reveal. Unrequited love ALWAYS contains an element of self-hate.
Joy that ends before its fulfillment plays in the heart equal to sorrow, until time reveals the difference by bringing forth real sorrow, or joy again.
When you start dating someone, there is one single top level of response: the one where you find yourself calling up friends to say, "This is it, I'm in love!" and all the songs on the radio have new meaning. Don't fool yourself --any other feeling is less, and indicates it's just a matter of time 'til you move on.
Lying most often manifests itself from lack of courage, not a desire to deceive.
I think there are two distinct human species on this earth -- no, not male and female. The distinction is between those people who hear God speak, and those to whom God chooses to remain silent.
Loss can live only in the imagination, and so by its own nature is false. Despite this, it hurts like hell.
We need two words to replace the word 'want.' One word for when you just want something, and another for when you want something strong enough to change in order to get it.
Some problems have clear answers and succumb to direct action. Others are solved only by embracing a process, and trusting to time, chance, and change to bring about the solution.
The writer is not blessed with a greater ability to know, simply a greater willingness to admit.

My Interests

"The fountains mingle with the river, And the rivers with the ocean; The winds of Heaven mix forever, With a sweet emotion; Nothing in the world is single; All things by a law divine, In one another's being mingle ---- Why not I with thine?" Shelley

I'd like to meet:

John Doe


Edith Piaf, Sade, Gainsbourgh, John Williams, Prince, Tupac Shakur, Neil Diamond, Live, Astrud Gilberto, James Taylor, Henry Mancini, Danny Elfman


Jaws, It's a Wonderful Life