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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi friends! I'm the creator of a new manga series from HarperTeen called MIKI FALLS. I do both the writing and the illustrating. All four books in the series are in stores now: MIKI FALLS: SPRING, MIKI FALLS: SUMMER, MIKI FALLS:AUTUMN, and MIKI FALLS: WINTER.
Can't find MIKI FALLS BOOKS at your local bookstore?
Buy them online! If it's MIKI FALLS: SUMMER you're looking for, click Here!
Here's one of my latest Youtube videos:
And here's my 'music video' style trailer for Miki Falls:
"MIKI FALLS: SUMMER" is the second book in the series. Here are two preview videos, the first of which presents a 12-page sample sequence from the book (Don't worry, it doesn't give any of of the book's bigger surprises!):
All right, Crilley. What the heck is Miki Falls *ABOUT*?!?"
Really wanna know? Watch this video:
Here's my movie-style trailer for Miki Falls. If you want the "ultimate" experience, click my music thingie and listen to the music while you watch. (Can't'cha almost smell the popcorn? ^_^)
This slideshow presents a short sequence from Miki Falls: Spring. The scrolling text comes from the word balloons in the real comic.
Here's a little 'art tour' showing details from four of my personal favorite pages from Miki Falls: Spring.

Yo, Mark, what happened to the other YouTube videos you made?!? I've moved them here:

I am not exactly a household name (still workin' on that!) but I do have books that you should be able to find in any large bookstore: Akiko and Billy Clikk , two series of young reader novels published by Random House Children's Books. The Akiko novels are based on a comic book series of the same name published by Sirius Entertainment.
I am currently at work on MIKI FALLS , a new series of graphic novels being published by HarperCollins. The first books, Spring (book 1) and Summer (book 2), are available from Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble. I hope you enjoy the samples in my slideshow. I'm especially eager to get feedback from manga/anime fans and readers of YA fiction, so if you have any thoughts please message me or leave a comment. I look forward to sharing more samples (the completed project will be over 660 pages long!) in the weeks and months to come.
My newest book in the Akiko series, Akiko: Pieces of Gax, , is now in stores.
I live in Michigan with my wife, Miki, and children Matthew and Mio. If you are interested in seeing more of my artwork (and would like to get a FREE personalized sketch from me), please visit my website at:
And here, for your viewing pleasure, is a bit of fan art:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Pretty much anyone really, as long as you're kind and friendly. I look forward to hearing from you! Please feel free to contact me by leaving a comment here, or visiting my forum at

"I sped to Chapters today to get Miki Falls: Summer and they only had 4 copies lol. Good thing I got one!! I went home right away and read it front to back and it was as great as I had hoped!!! This should keep me busy for about a week. I do studies on your books because I love the way you draw your characters."
"Omg Mark! I finally got to read the first two books of miki falls & I LOVED THEM!!! THERE SOO CUTE!! I love the characters & the art is so pretty! Good Job!! & I'm excited to read the third book. I bet its going to be great."
"I got your book and it was super. It was more of a book than a manga and think that is why I love it so much and I would have never thought that a guy would be a love person I think it is super duper. lol I am so happy that you added me long ago but the manga is great."
"I GOT YOUR BOOK MARK!!! IT WAS FANTAAAASSSTIC. As my sister commented as well, "It was the shiz."
"omg mark i got ur book thursday!!! lets just say i know ppl who know ppl at the book store!^^ and it was really really really amazing!...omg so good!!! lmao i cant stop going on about it!!"
And on "Summer":
omg mark!! i read it!!! yay!! its super! i love how u make everthing like so...idk theres no word to describe it!! but this is deff. becoming a fav. of mine! and u keep writing!!! cuz i dont know what i would do if i never read miki!!! cant wait for the 3rd book!"
"I finally went to the bookstore & got Miki Falls. It was AMAZING! I loved it so much & I can't wait for the next one to come out."
"I'm in the process of reading your book which is amazing, really. I left it on the kitchen counter and my younger sister confessed she couldn't stop reading it when she picked it up."
(And later...)
"I have to tell you I finished Spring and I was speechless. Can't wait to read Summer. I loved the preview of the next book and made me want to read it all the more."
"I loved it Mark! It was great to actually see everything that you've been demonstrating for us on the youtube vids in print. Also, Yumi totally rocked and her outfits were really cute. Sorry if I'm jumping from topic to topic. The next is the secret. I would never have guessed a secret that big was in the basement. Well, now that we know, let the fun begin. YAY!!! Any-who, can't wait for new twists and turns. I love those!!!"
"I just wanted to say thank you for signing my book and that i have now officially read the Miki Falls book three times through!!! i loved the book!! and my brother Alex said that he is almost done and can't put it down."
"Your art and the way you put it together is so beautiful. I mean all while I was reading it, I really took my time to look at all the detail in the scenery and all that. Oh and I didn't expect the book to be 1st person point of view, I thought that was so cool, and different. Most mangas just go right into talking and you never know what they are thinking, that can be good but sometimes it's annoying. But the way you put it together was just AMAZING."
"I've read your book...IT WAS AWESOME!! I didn't expect such a twist. I was hooked from beginning till end, my family couldn't pull me away from the book. I can't wait till July. This is the best summer I have ever had. I have Miki Falls to look forward to."
"yesterday I went to borders(the book store) and I was looking for a Naruto manga comic but while I was looking for it I saw the your manga Miki Falls I picked it up and started to read it I read about 20 pages. Then my mom said it's time to go so I was really into the manga so I bougth it and it's one of the best mangas I have ever seen I already finished reading it and i'm looking forward to read your upcoming volume 2."


I've decided to start a Miki Falls bulletin board for displaying artwork and photos I receive from fans. If you'd like to be on the board just put something in your pic section and let me know about it!

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