Saarabuni Salmi profile picture

Saarabuni Salmi

Artists use lies to tell the truth while politicians use them to cover the truth up.

About Me


My name is Saara Salmi. I live in Helsinki and I make pictures. Posters, portraits, photomanipulation. Sometimes I paint sets and make props for movies. Sometimes I wish I was working for Tim Burton. *SIGH*

I get my inspiration of gothicness, christian iconography, fairy tales, kitsch, movies, musicals, heavy music, pin up, art nouveau, pop culture and the lowbrow art movement.

Visit my website at and my deviantArt gallery .

Myoskin, printteja myynnissa.

Herman - a one minute stop motion animation I made in 2005!

My Interests

I'm inspired by gothic subculture, christian iconography, kitsch, fairy tales, glamour, pin up, pop art, musicals, old times, and my friends - the best creatures in the universe.

I'd like to meet:

Myself in the past. Oh she was silly!


Movie Soundtracks. Musicals. Heavy and dark music. Melodic tragedies. Insane happiness. Psychobilly, rockabilly, surf, swing. And Frank Sinatra.


Edward Scissorhands, Batman, Batman Returns, Dracula, Monty Python films, Georges Melies films, Miyazaki's animations, Kill Bill I & II, Oldboy,


Lost, Carnivale, Prison Break, Avara luonto, Simpsons


Jansson, Waltari, Lovecraft, Poe, Tolkien.


Grandmothers 3