guitar, peer pressure, marmite, tobasco sauce, my hair, jocks, powerade, mountain dew, synonyms, guitar, soccerball, hating cinammon, sarcasm, trucks, being rubbish at crossing roads, tic tacs, CAPITAL LETTERS, americans giving standing ovations in cinemas, baddies who talk for far too long and repeatedly fail to take opportunities to kill good guys when they have the chance, being really cold, cdta buses, h+m, the mall in general, americans saying ''paramascjarwn'' (parmesan), the gun game, small talk, journalists putting '-gate' on the end of anything remotely scandalous to make themselves sound intellectual, race 21, boston goals, excessively long road trips, hicks in petrol/gas stations, getting bad, tornado takes trailer park, my new amp, terrible facial hair, bombers, all american familial hospitality, hating the guy with a small head who sits in front of me in class and interjects his irrelevant rubbish opinions then laughs at his own jokes and nods along seriously to other people's comments, spring break, monster trucks, watching people skateboard, old music videos on youtube, never cutting or maintaining my hair in any way, drinking crap warm beer on filthy beaches, the guy who says 'viewer discretion is advised' at the start of prison break, t shirts with witty slogans, rock and roll breakfasts and ninja hash browns, being homeless, burritos, scrapbooks, eqx, michael jackston iced tea, throwing things away, wearing a suit
generally guitars, bass, drums, singing and sometimes assorted electric noise machines makes a good start. i despise techno techno techno and uk grime innit.
american psycho, star wars trilogy, all other harrison ford films, sin city, spiderman 2, american beauty, deep impact/independence day/armageddon (love the all american action cheese), masters of the universe
gameshows, the oc, motd, the office/extras, american chatshows, prison break, lost, list shows on channel 4, south park, mtv2, adverts on american tv, the f word, premiership years, colbert report, infomercials
harry potter. many many times.
peter gallagher, joe scully, richard whiteley (rip), matt green, jessica alba/mischa barton, willem dafoe, superman (an actual hero), cj williams, noel edmonds, dave grohl, seth cohen, richard nixon, mr mountaindew, josh's dad, kevin shanley, kevin keegan, alan dale, alan rickman