Sacrificing virgins under the pale glow of the midnight moon.
Should you have Cthullu's number, please pass it along. It would appear the UAE has unblocked this site...let's see how long it lasts.
If it sounds like a viking riding off to ragnarok with a battle axe the size of his warhorse in each hand - it might be for me.If it sounds like something that would accompany a bunch of ships racing at speeds 3x faster than sound, whilst trying to destroy each other - it might be for me.If it sounds like a score booming over an epic battle pitting dragons, mages, and knights with glowing swords - it might be for me.If it sounds like something your 14 year old sister is listening to in her bedroom covered with posters of the latest boy/girl/r&b band - it probably isn't for me. Unless there is a cameo appearence by our viking friend.
Lightsabers make the world go 'round. Yep.
The words "Star" and "Gate", when put together as one, make me very happy indeed.
Books by H.p. Lovecraft, Robert Jordan, the Marquis de Sade, ah and mangas too numerous to list. Ancient gods, grade-a fantasy, and 18th century socio-political commentary via depraved acts of sex for the win!