I'm into comic books, caves, time travel, punk rock, urban exploration, fun, movies, xstraightedgex, climbing on stuff, Antarctica, mosh metal, settlers of catan, vegan food, uncomfortable situations, sudoku, pirates, Nintendo, adventure, root beer, Apple.
Hiro Nakamura & Burglekutt.
Bullets To Broadway, Between The Buried And Me, Smoke or Fire, A Life Once Lost, Hagfish, TMBG, Job For a Cowboy, and A Wilhelm Scream.
Pee-wee's Big Adventure, Children of Men, MST3K: The Movie, The Ten, and How to Get Ahead in Advertising.
Extras, Heroes, Stella, Lost, The Michael Showalter Showalter, Wonder Showzen, & Wainy Days.
Richard Dawkins and Robert Kirkman.
Jay Vance, Thor Heyerdahl, Shigeru Miyamoto, Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier, Sasha Baron Cohen, Neil Hamburger, and The Brothers Chap.